February 13, 2009


It's 8:30 PM on a Friday night and I'm the only one up right now. The Bean is an early sleeper---she's usually beat by 6:00 although I would like her to go to bed a little later so that eight hour of sleep (!) doesn't mean getting up to nurse at 2:00 AM. 4:00 or 5:00 AM would be better. But anyway it's normal for Beanie to be a snoozin now, but poor N. is super sick. He stayed home from work today and just got sicker and sicker. We were supposed to go out for pizza and beer tonight, which is our annual frak-Valentine's Day tradition, but I had to cancel our sitter. Bummer!

I'm not really tired, but my computer isn't charged enough for me to do that much on it and I don't feel like going into the living room to get the cord because that's where N. is sleeping. I'm very glad we bought our new pull-out couch. I love my husband, but I really don't want to sleep next to a germy guy. Oh, this is very scattered, but I was going to say that I'm not tired, but I'm so not into the book I'm reading, which is Twilight. Yeah the silly YA book that they made a silly (and lame!) YA movie about a few months back. I don't know why I bought the book...it's about Vampires. I'm so not into that....I guess I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, but man is the writing just terrible. And it's so long. And I have this weird hang up about having to finish books that I've read more than 100 pages or half of. So I know I'm going to finish it (eventually) but I'm so not into reading it.

I read An Abundance of Katherines by John Green a few weeks ago. That's another YA and why it's not perfect, it's very very smart and funny and good. I recommend that. Most especially if your reading level has gone down to that of a 7th grader.

My computer is about to lose its juice. Cross your fingers that Ms. Bean doesn't get her daddy's bug. She's much too little to get that sick.

Happy V-day for those that subscribe to that kinda stuff. Have a Bud and slice for me and N.

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