April 26, 2011


I'm going to try to blog a little more this month and then, when Miss K turns the big 01, I'm going to shut this baby down.


You know, this blog used to be about missing Brooklyn and having to move to NH and how weird it is up here and how terrible the winters are and also it was about books and general updates. And now, or for the past 2 years, I feel like it's only about my kids and that's great and all but really, isn't it also a little bit boring?

I'm finding it boring and they're my kids so I'm actually interested in what time Miss K got up from her nap and how many poops were pooped on Tuesday. But you shouldn't be.

I'm thinking about starting a new and improved, less kid-friendly blog. Maybe after the summer. Maybe before. Maybe not at all. Anyway, keep reading for now. I will write through mid-May at least.

And, fyi, Miss K was up a few minutes after 10:00 AM today. Not such a good morning nap.

April 19, 2011

11 Months!!

Today, Miss Koala is an amazing 11 months, which means in one short month she'll be eating some 1st birthday cake! Wow. Can't believe my baby is going to be one. I think it took 3 years for Miss Bean to turn 1, but about 5 months for Baby Meow-Meow.
Let's see what you've been up to:

Sick: You've basically been sick the entire month. Two ear infections, high fevers, a terrible cough, and lots of horrible boogers, which lead to the even more horrible face wiping. You haven't been the happiest of babies, but the last few days have shown dramatic improvement.

Sleeping: Knock on wood, your sleeping seems to have improved. You slept through the night last night. You had one really horrible night and a lots of needing-the-paci back nights this month. But hopefully your improving health will help you sleep better. Your napping has gotten a little wacky. You've been taking one long morning nap from about 9-10:30 or so. But then you don't get tired again till around 3 and that nap has been on the short side. I think you're probably starting the long and annoying process of dropping a nap. We're going to have to start pushing the morning one later and later, but you are truly exhausted by 9 so I'm not looking forward to it.

Talking: You are very talkative. You can say "hi" and "bye" and of course "da-da" and "mama." You do a lot of squawk-talking and maybe wonderful happy bird noises when you're happy.

Eating: You can pretty much each everything these days, but you've been shaking your head "no" a lot. I think you like doing it rather than really meaning it because sometimes you'll shake no and then put a handful of food in your mouth. You're definitely drinking less formula these days. I think it's partly to do with being sick, but also it's time to start thinking about getting you off the bottle. In a month, we'll start you on whole milk. I'm interested to see if you like it or not. You don't like water, that's for sure. I hope in the summer we can get you to start drinking more of it. You loved corn bread and the itsy bits of cupcake crumbs I snuck you. I'm starting to lose track of all the new foods you've tried.

Moving: You can move, but it's not what I would call directed crawling. You do come over when you want to be picked up, but you still can't move your leg out of the way, which makes you incredibly frustrated. You are a terrific stander, but unable to pull yourself up. I think I'm going to make you try more instead of placing you feet down in front of the coffee table/upside down laundry basket. For the first time, this month, you started sleeping not on your back sometimes. I think you like being on your side. I wonder if you'll ever be a belly down, butt up sleeper like your sister was.

Teeth: You have two bottom teeth now. Not sure if you had them last month.

Likes: You are getting much more vocal about your likes and dislikes. You LOVE birds, being outside, and being silly with mommy when you should be going to bed. You dislike drinking water and having your face wiped. You are fascinated/unsure with/by dogs. You still love measuring spoons, banging things together, and your Mickey Mouse. You love screaming contests with your big sister and being danced around the room. I'm pretty sure, baby girl, that you're going to love the cake you'll get to eat next month.


I can't wait to celebrate you!

April 14, 2011

April is the new new February

Sorry for the silence but it's been sick, sick, sick round these parts. We've had high fevers, stomach bugs, sore throats, croupy coughs, ear infections, goopy eyes, and more boogers than....you probably care to think about. I think we had 3 sick free days between the stomach virus that N and the girls brought back from Florida and the nasty colds that have been going back and forth between us all. Oh, and somehow there was a second stomach bug that N had all weekend and I had part of Tuesday. Miss Koala has probably had the worst of it. She's on her second ear infection and is still pretty sick.

In unrelated news:

I read Tina Fey's Bossypants! Fun book, but lite. And left me wanting to know more. I watched No Impact Man, which I thought would annoy me, but actually I found it interesting and also made me feel super guilty about all of our garbage. One day we will compost! And our children will be diaper free! Speaking of diaper free, Miss Beanie Bean is right now wearing her very own princess underpants! We're just testing them out at home this evening, but hopefully potty training will happen sooner.

What else?

OMG the snow is gone from our lawn and our grass has mostly gone from depressing brown to happy green! We've been going about in the stroller! It's still pretty cold most of the time though.

But this has come to our green! Come visit. Mmmm.....