August 23, 2008

Bye-Bye Brooklyn

Last night was our last night in Brooklyn. Fittingly, we spent it eating pizza with two of our closest friends. I only cried once and that was because before we went to bed N. hugged me and said he loved me in Brooklyn. I got all weepy because this apartment has been really important to us over the last (almost) 3 years. N. and I moved here together in October 2005 when we'd been dating less than a year. We threw a 40th anniversary party for his parents that summer in our backyard; at the peak there were more than 50 people here. We got engaged in the apartment in March 2007 and returned here as husband and wife nearly a year from today. And, not to be to graphic on this family read, not far from the engagement spot was where the magic happened that landed the Bean on my lap as I write this.

It's been a great run, Brooklyn! A wonderful husband, a fabulous baby, terrific friends, and of course, mouth watering pizza.

Get ready New Hampshire, here we come!

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