May 1, 2008

When I'm 64...

My totally groovy dad will be 96!
For now, let's have him relish in his 64edness.
Congrats, dad. You've made it to the Beatles song!
That must make you feel kind of old considering they weren't even 30(!) when they wrote it.
Anyway, happy May Day everyone and happy birthday to my good "old" dad!


Karen said...

When he's 96, I'll be 97--but I was TWO years ahead of him in school....

Jim Wunsch said...

I am afraid to say this, but is your Dad, the guy known as "Jim?" I knew him when I had that brush with the law in what '75 or maybe '76? Yeah, knew him from Riker's. Sorry sweetheart, but he looked at least sixty back then. Third rate con-man right? Check out the DNA on that guy. You might be lucky not to be related.
I heard N missed that party, no fool he.