So, I haven't mentioned anything here about it, but we just got official word that N. got a job at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa! Oklahoma. We didn't mention this to anyone since we thought his chances of getting the job were nil. He had two interviews last month, but it was still a long shot since we're not Evangelicals...and I'm Jewish. And the baby is Jewish too.
But the powers that be decided it was OK for us to go to OK so okay!
It's really weird. I started this blog almost a year ago because N. got the job in New Hampshire. Now it's going to be about moving to Oklahoma, which is going to be so different than New Hampshire. It's like Brooklyn is to New Hampshire what Mars is to Oklahoma.
As a liberal New York agnostic Jew, I'm nervous about the politic climate and all those bible beaters, but it's a really good opportunity for N. He's going to be the photography department since they don't have one yet. They don't even have a dark room! Unfortunately, he's going to have to take a sizable pay cut, but they're optimistic that it should only be for a few years.
One positive thing about the move is just how interesting this blog is going to get. I know it's been kind of tedious and dull with post after post on winter sucking, the baby not napping, and me not having any friends. Moving to Tulsa is going to be this blog's savior, people. I know it.
I randomly stumbled upon your blog and noticed that you were talking about moving to Tulsa.
I'm a Tulsan and can tell you that after living in both Houston and Chicago, Tulsa lands in 2nd place. (behind Chicago) Tulsa is surprisingly diverse for it being smack in the middle of the bible belt. I think if you look hard enough, you'll find an eclectic group of people that work and attend ORU.
Also, there's a strong sense of athletic pride that emits from a lot of the alumni. (not so much in the study body yet)
There are a lot of positive changes happening at ORU and I have to say that there has probably never been a better time to be a Golden Eagle! Welcome to Tulsa!
I like turtles.
I live in Tulsa too! And I love it. Good to find a bloggy friend.
Holy crap! You're moving to OK??
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