I just put The Bean to bed after a rather long day. N. is still at work so there was no respite for mama. It wasn't a terrible day though. The babysitter was here and in the later afternoon we went to the gym so Bean could have some fun in the day care. She had a blast although she was very tired by the end. Speaking of tired would you like to know the many ways The Bean lets her elders know she's ready for bed? Yes, of course, you do.
1. She yawns
2. She makes weird, deeply guttural, strangely alien noises
3. She puts her head down---on the floor, on her highchair tray, on the bottom of her closet, on your shoulder, which is the bestest
4. She gets very still
5. She gets very hyper and scampers around the room like a hyena
6. She cries
7. She laughs a lot, which makes you feel like you're being very funny when actually you're not
8. She acts like she wants to nurse
9. She climbs into your lap
10. She kicks her legs and won't let you change her diaper/clothes
11. She yells
12. She pulls her ear
13. She rubs her eyes
14. She pulls her hair, which is a feat since she's still pretty bald
15. She scratches behind her ear
16. Her motor skills start to stink
17. Her eyes get red
18. She starts to look dunk and stoned
19. She's too distracted to eat any solid food
20. While on the bottle her eyes roll into the back of her head--really, it's kind of freaky
21. She just wants to be held
Pretty wild stuff, huh? Luckily, she came with a manual. It's not like N. and I had to figure it out or anything.
1 comment:
Exorcist noises.
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