This post was going to be all about how my generally awesome brother KILLED all my sweaters when he went psycho with the moth balls this past summer, but then I learned that this was to be my 100th post and thought I'd save the one about my brother for another, less special time.
So Mazel Tov to me!! 100 posts about moi! In a less than a year! That's pretty self-involved even for me! Here's a sampling of what those in the know have to say about my blog.
N says the blog is "wordy and full of typos and mispellings, but is also a lifesaver for myna birds."
The Bean says that the blog is "full of poop" but I think she's talking about herself.
The Brother who killed the sweaters says that this blog "brings tears to his eyes and fills him with much jealousy and rage."
Malice feels the blog is " too fraking cheery" and Jenny thinks there ought to be "more about cakes!"
KW feels as though the blog "relies too much on me, as the sole commenter" and The Muel is " too busy buying things on Ebay to read it regularly, but hears that's it's not too shabby."
The Bean would also like to add that in addition to being "full of poop" that ten posts tagged under "lame" is indeed "LAME!"
Okay, well I need to go as N. is bringing me a wonderful slice of chocolate cake to celebrate my 100 Golden Moments.
Feel free to let me know how awesome you thinketh the blog is, lurkers! And do keep sending the chocolates.
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