Poor Bean. She's got a variety of ailments these days. She has pink eye in both eyes, which means there's green goop all over her eyeballs and stuck in her eyelashes and she has to get 2 drops in each eye 4! times a day for 10!! days. No fun. But we gotta kill the goop. She's also got snot running out of her nose like it's going to win the 100-yard dash or something. And she has a barking cough that sounds just awful at night. Very little sleep was had by the Bean familia last night. Today, Ms. Bean was so sleepy that according to the babysitter's report, she fell asleep in her high chair in the middle of her lunch.
And now mama's throat is starting to hurt....But I'm downing tea and Tylenol like they're nachos and margaritas so hopefully I will not succumb.
More happily, it was nice out today! The sun shone and Ms. Bean crawled around in the grass in the backyard! That was very fun. We are so going to LOVE summer. And if we don't, if we be complaining on this blog, you come up to NH and slap us around some, y'all hear?
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