April 23, 2008

More on Taking The Job

So we went up to NH last weekend. The college itself is beautiful--brick buildings, a nice little quad, healthy and athletic looking students. It's very collegiate looking, which will be a nice change for N. since his last school felt more like a...warehouse? factory? It's a real step up.

We don't want to live in the town where the college is because it seems too small and is also expensive since it's popular for retirees and wealthy city folk who like to summer in the lake district. Most likely we'll move about 30 minutes north. The big thing is that I need to change my attitude about driving and distance. Unlike Brooklyn where I can easily walk to yoga to the bookstore to the coffee shop to the bar (not that the baby is drinking yet) up there you can't find everything you want in one town--the locals seem to think more in terms of a general area--like 3 or more towns. So you obviously have to drive quite a bit.

I haven't had a car since I lived in Seattle 7 years ago.

But back to bars. I kept wondering where are the bars were in the town where the school is because um, isn't that why college was invented? But there wasn't one bar in the town. Someone back here said NH has weird laws about having standing alone bars--they have to have food so many are just in restaurants. This would explain a lot but I wonder how those underage college kids snuggle the Coors into their dorms since the ID laws are crazy strict up there. N. got carded at every single place he boozed. And the dude is old! He looks even older too!

Do the college kids have fake id's? Perhaps I can really dedicate some time this year in figuring out this conundrum.


M. Alice said...

No bars, huh? Prohibition still alive? Do you have to think only good thoughts wherever you go, too?

ang said...

you may have meant "smuggle the coors into their dorm room" but you wrote snuggle and i like that. thinking of myself often as a "snuggler" of beer...i feel like finally someone put words to what a love like that really is.