Yeah. I'm 35 with 2 kids and a minivan. All we need is a morgage and a dog.
Actually it was a pretty great bday. N and I went out for a fancy adult dinner last night and this morning when I got up (at 7!) my girlies were wearing Dora party hats and sitting in a big stroller in the kitchen.
It took me a second to register that the stroller was a brand new BOB stroller---the creme de la creme of strollers. It's got shocks y'all. N was super awesome and bought it for me even though we have about 7099 strollers already. Apparently he and The Bean chased down the UPS man yesterday afternoon and he somehow managed to fit it in his tiny car.
I had an excellent massage at 8 this morning and then we took the girls to the Bouncy House iand then for a minorly disastorous pizza lunch in Hanover. No one napped this afternoon, which was a bummer, but N got a whole bunch of fire wood from a neighbor who's moving and made a fire and we took a walk with the new stroller and then came home with a super grouchy Bean who got super happy when we had a little party with a little cake. At the party were me, of course, N, The Bean, Miss Koala and several of The Bean's lovies: Pink, Fire Bear, Baby G----, and Baby Jesus.
Dora party hats were worn by all except by Baby Jesus and Baby G--- who come with their own hats.
Dinner was chili and salad and an early bed for a super tired Bean.
35 was a good year: an excellent new baby, three new strollers (one of which was just passed along to another family), a new mini van, goodbye cable, hello Apple TV, a super verbal super awesome toddler, a super N, a winning lottery ticket, and lots of fun. 36 is a lucky number for us Jew Jew Bees so let's just do it.
December 30, 2010
December 19, 2010
7 Months Miss K!
Today you are 7 months baby girl! You celebrated this by sleeping in till 8AM, which meant mama slept till 8 too! Yay!! Not so yay is that you're still getting up to nurse 2 times a night. Tonight I will nurse you once (hopefully later rather than sooner) but then I'm going to send your dad in to give you a bottle of water. That is the message we are sending you.
You are eating up a storm. Tonight for dinner you had avocado and squash. For a snack you got pieces of banana since your dad and sister were eating Toddler Yogurt right in front of you. Actually it was baby yogurt, but I think we should wait to give you dairy till you're a little older.
Friends of ours gave us two huge things of formula because I've been thinking of giving you a bottle of it before bed. But I haven't brought myself to actually do it yet. I think I will in the new year. As much as I'm tired of getting up to nurse you in the night, I know that once I start giving you formula, my supply will probably tank and you'll prefer bottles and then before too long you'll be weaned. I stopped nursing The Bean at 8 months. I wonder how long you'll go.
I kind of want you to be weaned, but I also want you to stay my baby, baby.
Anyway, you're sitting super well. And you've really stated to need to play with toys. You like having a box of toys to choose from. You kind of finger through it pulling different toys out as you go.
Colonel Granny came to town this weekend and she gave you lots of tummy time and you rolled over on your own twice this afternoon. I didn't witness it because I was eating a sandwich in the kitchen.
You really want a sandwich, big girl. The other day you looked at granny so angrily when she was eating her lunch. You were all like how can you eat that without even offering me a bite? Then, you tried to take a bite of my sandwich!
We are in the love affair stage. You LOVE mama and smile and laugh and light up when I come into the room. You make me feel like Julia Roberts and I can't get enough of it. I'm happy to report that violence against babies is dramatically down. Granny says she can see that The Bean now loves you in a way she didn't before. That said, toddlers can not be trusted so she won't be babysitting you anytime soon.
You are still the queen of the 45 minute nap. Although when we have somewhere to go, you decide to power nap for 2 hours!
Next week will be your first Xmas, which will be fun. I hope all the traveling is okay with you. I think this month will be full of big developments. You may even get to try some Cheerios!
I love you to bits, baby!
xo, mama
You are eating up a storm. Tonight for dinner you had avocado and squash. For a snack you got pieces of banana since your dad and sister were eating Toddler Yogurt right in front of you. Actually it was baby yogurt, but I think we should wait to give you dairy till you're a little older.
Friends of ours gave us two huge things of formula because I've been thinking of giving you a bottle of it before bed. But I haven't brought myself to actually do it yet. I think I will in the new year. As much as I'm tired of getting up to nurse you in the night, I know that once I start giving you formula, my supply will probably tank and you'll prefer bottles and then before too long you'll be weaned. I stopped nursing The Bean at 8 months. I wonder how long you'll go.
I kind of want you to be weaned, but I also want you to stay my baby, baby.
Anyway, you're sitting super well. And you've really stated to need to play with toys. You like having a box of toys to choose from. You kind of finger through it pulling different toys out as you go.
Colonel Granny came to town this weekend and she gave you lots of tummy time and you rolled over on your own twice this afternoon. I didn't witness it because I was eating a sandwich in the kitchen.
You really want a sandwich, big girl. The other day you looked at granny so angrily when she was eating her lunch. You were all like how can you eat that without even offering me a bite? Then, you tried to take a bite of my sandwich!
We are in the love affair stage. You LOVE mama and smile and laugh and light up when I come into the room. You make me feel like Julia Roberts and I can't get enough of it. I'm happy to report that violence against babies is dramatically down. Granny says she can see that The Bean now loves you in a way she didn't before. That said, toddlers can not be trusted so she won't be babysitting you anytime soon.
You are still the queen of the 45 minute nap. Although when we have somewhere to go, you decide to power nap for 2 hours!
Next week will be your first Xmas, which will be fun. I hope all the traveling is okay with you. I think this month will be full of big developments. You may even get to try some Cheerios!
I love you to bits, baby!
xo, mama
November 30, 2010
The Hobos Are Coming! The Hobos Are Coming!
Your kids, your future kids, they dress so cute, don't they, with their Hanna Anderson and their Petit Bateau and their Zutano Baby matching little pants and coats and socks and, look, they've got bows in their hair. But my kids? My kids are hobos. The big one, she's got yogurt in her hair and mud on her pants and she's missing a sock and her face is covered in some kind of nose goop, but don't even think of trying to wipe it...she will eat you alive if you get within an inch of her face. And the baby? Her pants are too small, but that's because they're pink and I wanted it clear that she's a girl because her top is blue with fire trucks and lions because we're into hand-me-downs, but with the peach fuzz hair it gets tiresome always having to say girl.
The big hobo's pants don't fit right either. They did this morning in the house, but now, out here, her diaper pops out of the top of and you're probably noticing that the baby hobo's onsie isn't snapped so it keeps riding up her belly and kind of defeats the purpose of layers. There is spit on her fleece and her pants and a small bit of mystery yellow on her ankle. The baby's booties are forever falling off and instead of gloves there are socks on her hands.
As soon as we go inside anywhere, the big kid wants her shoes AND SOCKS off. Doesn't matter if we're in the bank or the library, if it comes off, she wants it off now. Like NOW!
Our diaper bag is a small country in the midst of a terrible civil war: wipes stuffed into a supposedly disposable wipe container, smushed diapers, an outfit that was supposed to be a back up outfit that was actually used to wipe up vomit, a sock, another different sock, a toy nobody wants to play with, an old spoon with dried peas on it, pacifiers that are the wrong size, a piece of cloth, a third and yet entirely different sock.
We drive in crumbs. There are cheddar bunny crumbs and graham cracker crumbs and little bits of apple peel crumbs and crumbs from bread and pretzels and rice cakes and muffins and corn chips and scones. There are the plastic peels from string cheese and boxes of raisins and apple cores of apples eaten long ago.
But your kids. We have high hopes for your kids. But be forewarned. The hobos are coming and they're not going back.
The big hobo's pants don't fit right either. They did this morning in the house, but now, out here, her diaper pops out of the top of and you're probably noticing that the baby hobo's onsie isn't snapped so it keeps riding up her belly and kind of defeats the purpose of layers. There is spit on her fleece and her pants and a small bit of mystery yellow on her ankle. The baby's booties are forever falling off and instead of gloves there are socks on her hands.
As soon as we go inside anywhere, the big kid wants her shoes AND SOCKS off. Doesn't matter if we're in the bank or the library, if it comes off, she wants it off now. Like NOW!
Our diaper bag is a small country in the midst of a terrible civil war: wipes stuffed into a supposedly disposable wipe container, smushed diapers, an outfit that was supposed to be a back up outfit that was actually used to wipe up vomit, a sock, another different sock, a toy nobody wants to play with, an old spoon with dried peas on it, pacifiers that are the wrong size, a piece of cloth, a third and yet entirely different sock.
We drive in crumbs. There are cheddar bunny crumbs and graham cracker crumbs and little bits of apple peel crumbs and crumbs from bread and pretzels and rice cakes and muffins and corn chips and scones. There are the plastic peels from string cheese and boxes of raisins and apple cores of apples eaten long ago.
But your kids. We have high hopes for your kids. But be forewarned. The hobos are coming and they're not going back.
November 19, 2010
6 Months and Rocking!
Miss Koala is 6 months today! In fact, six months ago at this very minute I was pushing her out---sans ANY pain meds, y'all. Cuz that's how I roll. As I write this, Miss K, you are 11 minutes away from being born! This past half a year has FLOWN by, girl. In no time, you're going to be eating some bday cake!
Anyway, to celebrate your 6 monthness, mama had Indian food tonight. I haven't had any since September and since you're not nursing as much now I'm thinking we can deal if it makes you a tad fussy.
You had three solid meals today. You had combinations of pureed squash and peas and bananas and applesauce. I think you're enjoying it...sometimes you get a little squawky while eating and I'm not sure if it's because you want more and you're not getting it fast enough or some kind of other gastro issue is going on. You tend to eat best at the Montshire museum and I think you like your food warm rather than cold and man, have you made up for any non-pooping issues you had in the last five months!
I must change 800,000 diapers a day.
What else? It goes without saying that you're getting huge. Goodbye 3-6 months clothes, hello 6-9 and 6-12! I saw 2-4 little bits o teeth on the top of your mouth and it feels like you have about 20 more coming through. You're getting good at sitting. When you're interested in something, like the craziness of story time at the Norwich library, you can sit on your own for a minute or more. The other day I tried to lay you down on the bed and you attempted to push yourself up to sit. I remember last month or so when I stuck you in your sister's high chair and you were slipping and sliding all over the place. But this week you sat in it for quite a while no problem. There was a nice moment a few days ago when you were playing with some toys on the highchair tray and your sister was on the kitchen stool next to you playing with her toy cookies on the tray too.
(For the record violence against babies has decreased this month but you were bitten yesterday).
You're definitely more into toys. I can give you something and, if it's baby appropriate, you can hold it and examine it. You seem to like the little Grover your dad bought you.
Your dad brought down the Exersaucer aka Circle of Neglect this month and you're pretty into it in small doses. Today I had you hang out in it while I put your sis down for a nap and all of sudden you got really quiet. I went to check on you and you gave me this huge LOOK AT ME grin.
You're getting really fun, Miss K. I love the morning (especially when it's after 7AM) when you wake up all happy and edible! I like hanging out on the bed making you laugh and kissing your amazing baby belly.
I feel like I'm sort of getting the hang of this two kid thing. Today we came back from Tot Lot and you were hungry and I was hungry and Miss Bean was hungry. I had to cook soup, feed you and me and Miss Bean and it all got done.
You sleep in your own bed (except for a few mornings here and there when we're too lazy to put you back in your crib) and you have the potential to sleep through the night. It's been better and some nights---like when you went till 4AM---great. But then there are nights when you're up three times and well, you're a baby. I think back upon the weeks when getting you to sleep was a nightmare and how we had to use the swing all the time and now we never even think about it. You eat dinner around 4:30, nurse around 5:30 and are usually in bed by 6. The swing has needed new batteries for weeks and we haven't bothered to put them in. You nap for 40 minutes although occasionally, like when I need/want to go out, you'll do a good long one. I'd like to get you on a better nap schedule but I'm not sure how possible it is.
Have I mentioned how cute you are?
Okay little duck, six months ago you were 12 minutes old! And now you're this amazing, food eating, toy holding, working on sitting, fantastic laughing little baby. I am so excited to see what month #7 brings!
Anyway, to celebrate your 6 monthness, mama had Indian food tonight. I haven't had any since September and since you're not nursing as much now I'm thinking we can deal if it makes you a tad fussy.
You had three solid meals today. You had combinations of pureed squash and peas and bananas and applesauce. I think you're enjoying it...sometimes you get a little squawky while eating and I'm not sure if it's because you want more and you're not getting it fast enough or some kind of other gastro issue is going on. You tend to eat best at the Montshire museum and I think you like your food warm rather than cold and man, have you made up for any non-pooping issues you had in the last five months!
I must change 800,000 diapers a day.
What else? It goes without saying that you're getting huge. Goodbye 3-6 months clothes, hello 6-9 and 6-12! I saw 2-4 little bits o teeth on the top of your mouth and it feels like you have about 20 more coming through. You're getting good at sitting. When you're interested in something, like the craziness of story time at the Norwich library, you can sit on your own for a minute or more. The other day I tried to lay you down on the bed and you attempted to push yourself up to sit. I remember last month or so when I stuck you in your sister's high chair and you were slipping and sliding all over the place. But this week you sat in it for quite a while no problem. There was a nice moment a few days ago when you were playing with some toys on the highchair tray and your sister was on the kitchen stool next to you playing with her toy cookies on the tray too.
(For the record violence against babies has decreased this month but you were bitten yesterday).
You're definitely more into toys. I can give you something and, if it's baby appropriate, you can hold it and examine it. You seem to like the little Grover your dad bought you.
Your dad brought down the Exersaucer aka Circle of Neglect this month and you're pretty into it in small doses. Today I had you hang out in it while I put your sis down for a nap and all of sudden you got really quiet. I went to check on you and you gave me this huge LOOK AT ME grin.
You're getting really fun, Miss K. I love the morning (especially when it's after 7AM) when you wake up all happy and edible! I like hanging out on the bed making you laugh and kissing your amazing baby belly.
I feel like I'm sort of getting the hang of this two kid thing. Today we came back from Tot Lot and you were hungry and I was hungry and Miss Bean was hungry. I had to cook soup, feed you and me and Miss Bean and it all got done.
You sleep in your own bed (except for a few mornings here and there when we're too lazy to put you back in your crib) and you have the potential to sleep through the night. It's been better and some nights---like when you went till 4AM---great. But then there are nights when you're up three times and well, you're a baby. I think back upon the weeks when getting you to sleep was a nightmare and how we had to use the swing all the time and now we never even think about it. You eat dinner around 4:30, nurse around 5:30 and are usually in bed by 6. The swing has needed new batteries for weeks and we haven't bothered to put them in. You nap for 40 minutes although occasionally, like when I need/want to go out, you'll do a good long one. I'd like to get you on a better nap schedule but I'm not sure how possible it is.
Have I mentioned how cute you are?
Okay little duck, six months ago you were 12 minutes old! And now you're this amazing, food eating, toy holding, working on sitting, fantastic laughing little baby. I am so excited to see what month #7 brings!
November 16, 2010
Suck It, America.2
I accidentally ordered 800! diapers for my baby. I meant to only order 400, but oops. Now we're down to single digits of diapers for Miss Bean. Her order won't be here till Thursday at the earliest. Oops.
I feel pretty crappy (pun intended!) about all this. We should switch to cloth ones, but I just can't bear to deal with more laundry. As it, we're surrounded by teams of it. And then when we finally do it, we can barely manage to put it away. But still. These diapers are just going to sit in a landfill forever.
Kids are just terrible for the environment. Seriously almost everything I've bought in the past few days has been stuff for the kids. Actually the only money I spent today was at the pet store. The Bean and I bought a bone for a dog she's especially fond of. I think it's an edible bone so at least that won't be in the landfill with all those diapers.
I feel pretty crappy (pun intended!) about all this. We should switch to cloth ones, but I just can't bear to deal with more laundry. As it, we're surrounded by teams of it. And then when we finally do it, we can barely manage to put it away. But still. These diapers are just going to sit in a landfill forever.
Kids are just terrible for the environment. Seriously almost everything I've bought in the past few days has been stuff for the kids. Actually the only money I spent today was at the pet store. The Bean and I bought a bone for a dog she's especially fond of. I think it's an edible bone so at least that won't be in the landfill with all those diapers.
November 12, 2010
Suck it, America
We got the mini van! And I love it. And I drove it to walmart and bought the baby cheap clothes because for some odd reason she has none. Can't figure it out. We had another baby two years ago and that baby had clothes that we kept. Maybe it's because Miss K is huge and baby clothes shrink. She won't be 6 months till next week, but she's already in 6-9 month stuff and she can wear some 9 month stuff already.
I used to be a good person. I took the train. I walked a lot. I shopped at the food coop. Now, I'm all evil in my big car going to the big box stores to dress and diaper my offspring.
I still recycle though.
I used to be a good person. I took the train. I walked a lot. I shopped at the food coop. Now, I'm all evil in my big car going to the big box stores to dress and diaper my offspring.
I still recycle though.
November 2, 2010
Cute Things My (Older) Daughter Says: Feel Free to Skip This Post If You're Not Related Or Just Not In The Mood
Hi Bean!
It's been a while since this blog has been addressed to you. It's election night and while your dad wants to follow the depressing returns, I thought I might come up with a list of cute things you say because in a few weeks/months/years you won't be talking the toddler talk.
So here it is:
Garbon: This is garbage as in please can throw this in the garbon for me. You can now say garbage but garbon sounds so nice and French that we've decided that in the house we can say it while outside we use the proper word.
Mines: As in, this is mines! And this is mines! And this silly baby toy that I have zero interest in except that it's next to my sister is mines!
Pumyum: This is how you say pumpkin. You say pumpkin perfectly but now we just like pumyum better.
Pocket down Rosey: This is how you sing Ring-Around-Rosey.
"I want to be a wedding!" You are very interested in weddings and brides right now since your babysitter's sister just got married and you got to look at pictures of the bride. Yesterday you said you wanted to marry me and daddy, but later, after a short lecture on the institute of marriage, changed your mind and decided that you wanted to marry your neighbor/buddy H. You wanted to get married at his house because they have delicious grammy cookies.
Grober: As in the Sesame Street character, Grover. You always say that you like Elmo, Daddy likes Cookie Monster, I like Big Bird and Dahlia likes Grober.
Eggy/Eggie: As in Ellen, your wonderful babysitter. You can say Ellen, but perhaps unfortunately for her, we've all taken to calling her Eggy.
Bobo: This is what you called H's dog Boregard. Apparently they all call him that now.
Big Arm: This took me forever to figure out and I was so psyched when I did that I think I woke your dad up to tell him the big arm mystery was solved. Big Arm=Playground! It's unclear weather you like calling it big arm or you really can't say it.
Okay, that's all I can think of right now. Your dad insists on depressing me with the election returns.
Keep talking your blue streak, baby!
Love, Mama
It's been a while since this blog has been addressed to you. It's election night and while your dad wants to follow the depressing returns, I thought I might come up with a list of cute things you say because in a few weeks/months/years you won't be talking the toddler talk.
So here it is:
Garbon: This is garbage as in please can throw this in the garbon for me. You can now say garbage but garbon sounds so nice and French that we've decided that in the house we can say it while outside we use the proper word.
Mines: As in, this is mines! And this is mines! And this silly baby toy that I have zero interest in except that it's next to my sister is mines!
Pumyum: This is how you say pumpkin. You say pumpkin perfectly but now we just like pumyum better.
Pocket down Rosey: This is how you sing Ring-Around-Rosey.
"I want to be a wedding!" You are very interested in weddings and brides right now since your babysitter's sister just got married and you got to look at pictures of the bride. Yesterday you said you wanted to marry me and daddy, but later, after a short lecture on the institute of marriage, changed your mind and decided that you wanted to marry your neighbor/buddy H. You wanted to get married at his house because they have delicious grammy cookies.
Grober: As in the Sesame Street character, Grover. You always say that you like Elmo, Daddy likes Cookie Monster, I like Big Bird and Dahlia likes Grober.
Eggy/Eggie: As in Ellen, your wonderful babysitter. You can say Ellen, but perhaps unfortunately for her, we've all taken to calling her Eggy.
Bobo: This is what you called H's dog Boregard. Apparently they all call him that now.
Big Arm: This took me forever to figure out and I was so psyched when I did that I think I woke your dad up to tell him the big arm mystery was solved. Big Arm=Playground! It's unclear weather you like calling it big arm or you really can't say it.
Okay, that's all I can think of right now. Your dad insists on depressing me with the election returns.
Keep talking your blue streak, baby!
Love, Mama
October 26, 2010
Jumpin Jack Flash
So....we made it back to NH, totally in love with the spaciousness of the minivan. Man, did it feel crowded back in the Impreza. I think we'll sell/trade N's outback and get something totally uncool. Actually, I like the Toyota Highlander a lot and that looks pretty cool, but I've never driven one and I have a feeling that nothing will be as spacious as a minivan.
We've gotta get a babysitter so we can go test drive some mom mobiles! How's that for fun?
What else? N's had LONG days at work this week so I've been on solo parenting duty. I feel like it's pretty mangeable although dinner was a little nutty. I didn't tell N what his first born had for dinner, but I'll tell you: cottage cheese and yogurt and frozen blueberries.
I said, "what do you want for dinner, Bean?"
Bean said, "Cottage cheese and yogurt and frozen blueberries."
So she did.
It was late. The baby was crying and hungry and tired and crying and we didn't really have anything prepared so I gave her what she asked for. Halfway through I defrosted a hot dog so she'd have some semblance of protein, but it wasn't my finest of meals.
Miss Koala had gobs of squash and oatmeal. She LOVED it. At least she got happy when I fed her and cried when I stopped. After a while I had to stop since it seemed liked she was eating too much for someone her size even if she is enormous.
We started feeding her solids for dinner over the weekend instead of giving her a bottle. She was SO happy. It defnitely helps her feel more settled when she nurses before bed. But I have to feed her early, not too close to bedtime, or she gets too full and kind of sick. I messed that up tonight. But it was so nice out this afternoon and we went down to the playground where there were a million kids and you know this weather isn't going to last and we just kept running into people we knew and it was one of those nights where you give your kid what she asks for for dinner because then you don't actually have to think of something.
Oh, and yesterday, Bean had strawberry ice with whipped cream and a cherry. For lunch.
We've gotta get a babysitter so we can go test drive some mom mobiles! How's that for fun?
What else? N's had LONG days at work this week so I've been on solo parenting duty. I feel like it's pretty mangeable although dinner was a little nutty. I didn't tell N what his first born had for dinner, but I'll tell you: cottage cheese and yogurt and frozen blueberries.
I said, "what do you want for dinner, Bean?"
Bean said, "Cottage cheese and yogurt and frozen blueberries."
So she did.
It was late. The baby was crying and hungry and tired and crying and we didn't really have anything prepared so I gave her what she asked for. Halfway through I defrosted a hot dog so she'd have some semblance of protein, but it wasn't my finest of meals.
Miss Koala had gobs of squash and oatmeal. She LOVED it. At least she got happy when I fed her and cried when I stopped. After a while I had to stop since it seemed liked she was eating too much for someone her size even if she is enormous.
We started feeding her solids for dinner over the weekend instead of giving her a bottle. She was SO happy. It defnitely helps her feel more settled when she nurses before bed. But I have to feed her early, not too close to bedtime, or she gets too full and kind of sick. I messed that up tonight. But it was so nice out this afternoon and we went down to the playground where there were a million kids and you know this weather isn't going to last and we just kept running into people we knew and it was one of those nights where you give your kid what she asks for for dinner because then you don't actually have to think of something.
Oh, and yesterday, Bean had strawberry ice with whipped cream and a cherry. For lunch.
October 19, 2010
5 Months!
Miss Koala!
You are 5 months old today! In NYC! You were supposed to be 5 months in NYC, CT, MA, VT, and finally NH, but we stayed one more day in New York because your papa N got food posioned and spent the earliest parts of the morning puking puking puking. One lesson you should no know at your wise old 5 monthiness is: DON'T ORDER THE FISH ON MONDAYS!
Moving right along, you seem to be growing up and out and long! You're are super aware of your surroundings now and I feel confident that when I bring you to places like the playground or gymnastics that you will enjoy it (to the best of your non-mobile abiities) and then, when you've had enough stimulation, take a quick nap.
Getting you to go to bed has gotten so much easier this month. In fact, I really don't remember the last time we used the swing! Yay! I am starting to wonder if you might like to have a bottle instead of nursing before bed though. I think you get so tired that nursing is too much and you get a little hysterical. So we might try incorporating that during your sixth month. I think you also might be ready to have some dinner. There may be some mushy goodness in your future, little one.
This is also, hopefully, the last month that you'll be swaddled. It's time to say good-bye to that rarely washed cotton wrap, dude.
You haven't rolled or really attempted to roll again this month,but I'm confident that you'll be moving soon enough and I really enjoyed doing a whole yoga class two weeks ago when you so chilly lay on your back and listened the whole time. You have discovered your feet, which is pretty exciting. For you.
Okay, this post was just interrupted by YOU! For the second or maybe third time this evening (and you've been asleep for less than 3 hours!) you've woken up and needed a cuddle. You've been sleeping horribly in New York. I don't know if it's that you're going to bed hungry (which I kind of doubt since you're huge) or you're teething like crazy or you don't like sharing a room anymore, but it's been a little bit of a nightmare. Actually, you haven't been sleeping that great in NH either, baby. And you know, you're kind of old now and mama's kind of tired, so let's work on improving this, 'kay?
Although there have been some scratches, I'd say all in all violence against babies has been down this past month.
Your sister has decided that you're going to be a monkey for Halloween. While in the city, I found a cheap costume, which I hope will fit you in 12 days, monkey girl.
You're still smiling and laughing AND pooping a lot, which is a lot of fun.
Here's to an unswaddled, sleeping longer stretches month #6!
You are 5 months old today! In NYC! You were supposed to be 5 months in NYC, CT, MA, VT, and finally NH, but we stayed one more day in New York because your papa N got food posioned and spent the earliest parts of the morning puking puking puking. One lesson you should no know at your wise old 5 monthiness is: DON'T ORDER THE FISH ON MONDAYS!
Moving right along, you seem to be growing up and out and long! You're are super aware of your surroundings now and I feel confident that when I bring you to places like the playground or gymnastics that you will enjoy it (to the best of your non-mobile abiities) and then, when you've had enough stimulation, take a quick nap.
Getting you to go to bed has gotten so much easier this month. In fact, I really don't remember the last time we used the swing! Yay! I am starting to wonder if you might like to have a bottle instead of nursing before bed though. I think you get so tired that nursing is too much and you get a little hysterical. So we might try incorporating that during your sixth month. I think you also might be ready to have some dinner. There may be some mushy goodness in your future, little one.
This is also, hopefully, the last month that you'll be swaddled. It's time to say good-bye to that rarely washed cotton wrap, dude.
You haven't rolled or really attempted to roll again this month,but I'm confident that you'll be moving soon enough and I really enjoyed doing a whole yoga class two weeks ago when you so chilly lay on your back and listened the whole time. You have discovered your feet, which is pretty exciting. For you.
Okay, this post was just interrupted by YOU! For the second or maybe third time this evening (and you've been asleep for less than 3 hours!) you've woken up and needed a cuddle. You've been sleeping horribly in New York. I don't know if it's that you're going to bed hungry (which I kind of doubt since you're huge) or you're teething like crazy or you don't like sharing a room anymore, but it's been a little bit of a nightmare. Actually, you haven't been sleeping that great in NH either, baby. And you know, you're kind of old now and mama's kind of tired, so let's work on improving this, 'kay?
Although there have been some scratches, I'd say all in all violence against babies has been down this past month.
Your sister has decided that you're going to be a monkey for Halloween. While in the city, I found a cheap costume, which I hope will fit you in 12 days, monkey girl.
You're still smiling and laughing AND pooping a lot, which is a lot of fun.
Here's to an unswaddled, sleeping longer stretches month #6!
October 13, 2010
Later, Skater!
Sorry for the silence. With all my free time between diaper changes and nursing and getting in all the playground time we can, I somehow have managed to neglect ye little blog. Anyway, we've been having a time here: Miss Koala has found her feet, The Bean has decided that she's going to be a lollipop eating COWBOY this Halloween, and we've rented a minivan to see how we does it and we're heading down to NYC tomorrow!
When we return on Tuesday, Miss Koala will a humongous 5 months and we might have sold ourselves on a new boat.
Updates to follow.
When we return on Tuesday, Miss Koala will a humongous 5 months and we might have sold ourselves on a new boat.
Updates to follow.
September 28, 2010
Another Fall
Miss Bean has been saying, "Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn," this past week. And although it was annoyingly humid today, those leaves are changing and dropping off at a really rapid rate.
This is my third fall up here. The first one struck me as the most beautiful. Perhaps because it was my first and because I was so tired that everything was just a little bit druggy. Last year I felt like the colors were too patchy. And this one is...well I don't know. It seems fast. I know what's coming although I don't know how it's going to be with two kids. I feel like we have to be outside all the time while we still can. Even when it gets cold, I think I'll try and get the girlies outside for a stroller walk everyday. We have these super cozy bundle me things for the stroller....if I make sure they've got hats and gloves how miserable will they be in zero degree weather?
I know they're gonna hate it, but I truly believe everyone is better mentally and physically when they get fresh air.
In other news Miss Koala HAS A TOOTH! I know, she's only four months. It's on top too, which I think it pretty unusual. It kind of explains her wacky a doodle nursing of late. Maybe she's reconsidering that sandwich N offered her last week....
This is my third fall up here. The first one struck me as the most beautiful. Perhaps because it was my first and because I was so tired that everything was just a little bit druggy. Last year I felt like the colors were too patchy. And this one is...well I don't know. It seems fast. I know what's coming although I don't know how it's going to be with two kids. I feel like we have to be outside all the time while we still can. Even when it gets cold, I think I'll try and get the girlies outside for a stroller walk everyday. We have these super cozy bundle me things for the stroller....if I make sure they've got hats and gloves how miserable will they be in zero degree weather?
I know they're gonna hate it, but I truly believe everyone is better mentally and physically when they get fresh air.
In other news Miss Koala HAS A TOOTH! I know, she's only four months. It's on top too, which I think it pretty unusual. It kind of explains her wacky a doodle nursing of late. Maybe she's reconsidering that sandwich N offered her last week....
September 19, 2010
Four Months! And Counting!

Today, Miss Koala, you are four months! Go you! We celebrated this milestone by taking you to Kmart and buying all kinds of cheap Chinese crap that we can't live without. On a happier note, here's what you've been up to:
Smiling/laughing: You're doing this a lot more. Some objects really make you smile. You like the little blue monkey and the elephant the best. Early in the morning is your best time. You're a pretty happy baby except when you're tired/hungry/full of poop, which is probably 78% of the time.
Crib: You've been in your mini crib in your tiny room for the past five nights. The first three were pretty rough. You woke up more frequently and wouldn't take the paci. Just the act of having to get up made me exhausted. But it seems like you're getting more used to it. Last night you did an initial five hour stretch.
Sleeping: The last few weeks/month it's been kind of a nightmare getting you to settle down (not cry) before going to bed at night. For some reason, you're usually okay going down for a nap, but the evening hours are not happy ones for anyone. We've been in this situation of either putting you in the swing after an hour of crying or letting you nurse yourself into a coma. I think all the crying makes you pass out from sheer exhaustion. The other night though, I was able to get you settled without a long stretch of crying. I've been rocking you in the glider in your room, which you like. I'm looking forward to having you sleep unswaddled. It seems sort of silly at this point since you're able to bust out of it so quickly, but the few times I've put you down without it, you flailed and cried.
Gymnastics: You've flipped once on both sides. You spent a lot of this week on your side, attempting to flip from your back to your stomach, but got incredibly frustrated. You love to be held in a sitting up position so you can look out.
Holding: You can hold onto your monkey and parts of your elephant. I don't think there's 100% cognition that you're the one doing the holding, but I think by next month there will be.
Pooping: You've got some issues there, honey. Last Sunday, after five days without going, we had to take action, which you were not happy about. Hopefully we won't have to do that again.
Battle Wounds: You big sister has had a few relapses. You had a minor eye gauging and still have a scratch on your head. I'm sorry about this, little love. Hopefully this next month will leave fewer emotional and physical scars.
Eating: You're full o' milk. Your dad offered you a ham on rye this afternoon to see if you were interested in food. You looked at him like he should know better. I think we'll wait till next month to start solids.
Here's to a rolling, laughing, pooping, smiling, wound-free fifth month.
September 14, 2010
A Room of Her Own
So tonight, without any fanfare, Miss Koala was put into her new mini crib in her OWN room. It seems like it could be going a little better--she only went 2 hours before she woke up, but I'm hopeful things will improve. I'm excited to have my bedroom back. I might get all kinds of crazy and read The New Yorker. In bed!
More updates later.
More updates later.
September 6, 2010
It's September, isn't it? The Bean is about to start her second week of school. It's 2 mornings a week from 9-11:30. She seems to like it although she's not at all forthcoming with the activities. I'm pretty sure they sing a goodbye song, do something with mats, don't sing the ABC's, and are not serving donuts of bunny crackers for snack.
She was REALLY tired and hungry after her first day on Tuesday. On Thursday she seemed a little more used to it. I want to get into a routine with Miss Koala on these mornings; this week we stayed home, she cat napped, I talked on the phone, wandered around, but it was nice to be home with just one and have a little quiet morning time with just Miss K. Soon enough I imagine she'll be sad that Miss Bean is gone, but until then it's cool bonding time.
Last Wednesday, I took both girlies to a drop-in gymnastics gym. It was okay while the baby slept, but when she woke up it got a little hellish. I was trying to comfort her and keep half an eye on The Bean. It's a huge space and while there are instructors, it's really up to the parents to assist the kids through the circuit. Eventually, I took the baby out of the stroller and she was quasi entertained for a few minutes, but then she just let loose and wouldn't stop crying. Bean did get a solid thirty minutes of playing, but she was enjoying it so I felt sad to make her leave. But them the breaks, kids. Miss K sobbed until we got off the highway and then slept soundly for a good 40 minutes while Bean galavanted outside. Why couldn't she have slept like that when we were out? Anyway, I think my volunteer (a lady who come over once a week) is going to come and stay home with Miss K, which will be great.
This past weekend we made our second pilgrimage to Portsmouth. This year, since we had another baby, we spent the big bucks to get a hotel downtown and a room with a suite. That way the girls could nap seperatley, but at night, when they were both good and asleep, N and I could watch bad TV. I was a little nervous about all four of us sleeping in the same room, but it worked out and a good time was had by all. We walked around a lot, went to a few shops, the Bean got ANOTHER BABY BECAUSE HER DAD IS A SOFTIE, we had a nice dinner and some good beer at the Portsmouth Brewery, and on Sunday we went up to Maine to see Nick's cousins. The Bean had a fabulous time. She got to eat muffins, strawberries and blueberries galore, walk on a wiggly bridge, see some chickens, and chase seagulls at the beach. Both girls (and mom) were pretty beat by the time we got back last night.
Today we did The Rail Trail Ramble. We made it about a 1/2 mile or so---Bean on her bike (pushed by N) and Miss K in her stroller pushed by Mama---before we turned around and went to eat BBQ on the green. We spent the evening eating impromptu Indian with friends from out of town.
All in all, it was a nice labor day and a good, if slightly overwhelming summer.
Here's to a good first day of school to N, a good 3rd morning of Toddler Time for Bean, and a good morning nap for Miss K during her first Mama-Baby yoga class tomorrow.
Happy Fall.
She was REALLY tired and hungry after her first day on Tuesday. On Thursday she seemed a little more used to it. I want to get into a routine with Miss Koala on these mornings; this week we stayed home, she cat napped, I talked on the phone, wandered around, but it was nice to be home with just one and have a little quiet morning time with just Miss K. Soon enough I imagine she'll be sad that Miss Bean is gone, but until then it's cool bonding time.
Last Wednesday, I took both girlies to a drop-in gymnastics gym. It was okay while the baby slept, but when she woke up it got a little hellish. I was trying to comfort her and keep half an eye on The Bean. It's a huge space and while there are instructors, it's really up to the parents to assist the kids through the circuit. Eventually, I took the baby out of the stroller and she was quasi entertained for a few minutes, but then she just let loose and wouldn't stop crying. Bean did get a solid thirty minutes of playing, but she was enjoying it so I felt sad to make her leave. But them the breaks, kids. Miss K sobbed until we got off the highway and then slept soundly for a good 40 minutes while Bean galavanted outside. Why couldn't she have slept like that when we were out? Anyway, I think my volunteer (a lady who come over once a week) is going to come and stay home with Miss K, which will be great.
This past weekend we made our second pilgrimage to Portsmouth. This year, since we had another baby, we spent the big bucks to get a hotel downtown and a room with a suite. That way the girls could nap seperatley, but at night, when they were both good and asleep, N and I could watch bad TV. I was a little nervous about all four of us sleeping in the same room, but it worked out and a good time was had by all. We walked around a lot, went to a few shops, the Bean got ANOTHER BABY BECAUSE HER DAD IS A SOFTIE, we had a nice dinner and some good beer at the Portsmouth Brewery, and on Sunday we went up to Maine to see Nick's cousins. The Bean had a fabulous time. She got to eat muffins, strawberries and blueberries galore, walk on a wiggly bridge, see some chickens, and chase seagulls at the beach. Both girls (and mom) were pretty beat by the time we got back last night.
Today we did The Rail Trail Ramble. We made it about a 1/2 mile or so---Bean on her bike (pushed by N) and Miss K in her stroller pushed by Mama---before we turned around and went to eat BBQ on the green. We spent the evening eating impromptu Indian with friends from out of town.
All in all, it was a nice labor day and a good, if slightly overwhelming summer.
Here's to a good first day of school to N, a good 3rd morning of Toddler Time for Bean, and a good morning nap for Miss K during her first Mama-Baby yoga class tomorrow.
Happy Fall.
August 25, 2010
August 24, 2010
2 Years!
Two years ago today we moved in here with our 3 week old bambino. It was crazy. My dad and brother drove up the Uhaul with the remnants from our Bklyn apt. My aunt, her partner, my sister-in-law, and her friend all helped unload it. I was forced to nurse at a rest stop without my beloved Boppy since N had mistakenly sent it on the Uhaul. The Bean was wearing this terrible flowered outfit/pajamas. Granny ran like a crazy lady with her through the parking lot. I got a terrible dehydration headache from so much nursing and not enough water. The bed we were sleeping on collapsed and we ended up on a deflated aerobed in what's now Miss Bean's room. The Bean wouldn't go to sleep so N drove her around to the shopping horror that is 12A at eleven at night.
And today? The GIRLS!! slept until 6:30. We hung out. Our almost 13 year old neighbor came over to play with The Bean. She gave her 5! slightly loved stuffed animals as a bday present and now she has a new doggie with a PINK collar that she loves. Miss Koala took two short morning naps. She also had some rocking tummy and standing time. She smiled a lot. N went to 12A to take pictures, buy stuff, and do the recycling. Bean and Mama had eggs and tomato soup for lunch. I walked to the gym and lifted some weights. In the afternoon, The Bean and I took the bus to Hanover, which was super exciting as The Bean is very into taking the bus. We met Miss Koala and Papa N there, walked around, looked at art, bought some presents amazingly not for Bean, ran around The Green, and had an early burrito dinner outside. Everyone cried a little before bedtime, but that's par for the course when you're three months and 2 (and 34 and 35). Now, all is quiet except for the lovely sounds of N unloading the dishwasher, which I will soon load, which will hum into the night as the four of us snooze in our beds on a street in a town in a state called New Hampshire.
And today? The GIRLS!! slept until 6:30. We hung out. Our almost 13 year old neighbor came over to play with The Bean. She gave her 5! slightly loved stuffed animals as a bday present and now she has a new doggie with a PINK collar that she loves. Miss Koala took two short morning naps. She also had some rocking tummy and standing time. She smiled a lot. N went to 12A to take pictures, buy stuff, and do the recycling. Bean and Mama had eggs and tomato soup for lunch. I walked to the gym and lifted some weights. In the afternoon, The Bean and I took the bus to Hanover, which was super exciting as The Bean is very into taking the bus. We met Miss Koala and Papa N there, walked around, looked at art, bought some presents amazingly not for Bean, ran around The Green, and had an early burrito dinner outside. Everyone cried a little before bedtime, but that's par for the course when you're three months and 2 (and 34 and 35). Now, all is quiet except for the lovely sounds of N unloading the dishwasher, which I will soon load, which will hum into the night as the four of us snooze in our beds on a street in a town in a state called New Hampshire.
new hampshire
August 19, 2010
3 Months Miss Koala!!
Oh Miss Koala,
Today you are three months! Go you! As I told you when we were chillaxing on the bed earlier this evening, things should start getting a lot better. Soon, you should be able to sleep unswaddled and then you might start rolling over and being able to sleep on your belly and grabbing things and putting things that your not supposed to in your mouth and playing with toys and eating things like bananas and apple sauce.
I feel like you've gotten especially huge this month. And cute! But you're already wearing 3-6 month clothes. Your dad accidentally put you in a 6-12 month onsie and while it was big, it wasn't that big.
You did great at sleeping this past month although for the first time in a long while we had to put you to sleep in your swing tonight:(. I'm not exactly sure why though. Normally you've been sleeping in your bassinet with minimal fussing and, even better, a few times, you've been technically sleeping through the night! Last week I nursed you at 2 because I was in a little bit o boob pain, but you slept through it and didn't wake up till 5:00. The other night you went till 2:45 without having to nurse, which was awesome. You really like your naps too. The other day you needed to nap about four or five times during the day. Maybe it's a 3 month growth spurt or maybe it was the stimulation from traveling. We finally took you to New York State! We went to the Adirondacks this week to see the grandparents, eat some Donnely's ice cream (next summer you can get your own cone!), hike, swim, see friends and test out traveling as a foursome. I'm happy to report that you and your sister were awesome. Both car rides were super easy---you slept the entire way on both trips and you and Miss Bean both slept well even though your rooms were right next to each other and the walls are super thin. The only bad part of the trip was that my back got a little wonky and we ended up leaving a day early.
You are definitely more aware of the things, my darling bear. You track me and your sister. You liked looking at the stuffed Snoopy. You give lots of social smiles when you're in the mood. You're starting to use your voice and make cute, bird-like coos. Today in the car I watched you put your sinking pacifier back in your mouth. I think that was mostly luck, but tonight you reached for my finger in what seemed like an aware way rather than the sort of instinctual grabby thing all babies do.
Your sister has improved a lot this month too. Except for a few infractions today, the hitting has gone down tremendously. But I'm afraid, Lovey that there's nothing I can do about her volume. She is just 2, you know. We might as well just try and get used to it.
I can't wait to see what happens in month 4!
Mama Bear
Today you are three months! Go you! As I told you when we were chillaxing on the bed earlier this evening, things should start getting a lot better. Soon, you should be able to sleep unswaddled and then you might start rolling over and being able to sleep on your belly and grabbing things and putting things that your not supposed to in your mouth and playing with toys and eating things like bananas and apple sauce.
I feel like you've gotten especially huge this month. And cute! But you're already wearing 3-6 month clothes. Your dad accidentally put you in a 6-12 month onsie and while it was big, it wasn't that big.
You did great at sleeping this past month although for the first time in a long while we had to put you to sleep in your swing tonight:(. I'm not exactly sure why though. Normally you've been sleeping in your bassinet with minimal fussing and, even better, a few times, you've been technically sleeping through the night! Last week I nursed you at 2 because I was in a little bit o boob pain, but you slept through it and didn't wake up till 5:00. The other night you went till 2:45 without having to nurse, which was awesome. You really like your naps too. The other day you needed to nap about four or five times during the day. Maybe it's a 3 month growth spurt or maybe it was the stimulation from traveling. We finally took you to New York State! We went to the Adirondacks this week to see the grandparents, eat some Donnely's ice cream (next summer you can get your own cone!), hike, swim, see friends and test out traveling as a foursome. I'm happy to report that you and your sister were awesome. Both car rides were super easy---you slept the entire way on both trips and you and Miss Bean both slept well even though your rooms were right next to each other and the walls are super thin. The only bad part of the trip was that my back got a little wonky and we ended up leaving a day early.
You are definitely more aware of the things, my darling bear. You track me and your sister. You liked looking at the stuffed Snoopy. You give lots of social smiles when you're in the mood. You're starting to use your voice and make cute, bird-like coos. Today in the car I watched you put your sinking pacifier back in your mouth. I think that was mostly luck, but tonight you reached for my finger in what seemed like an aware way rather than the sort of instinctual grabby thing all babies do.
Your sister has improved a lot this month too. Except for a few infractions today, the hitting has gone down tremendously. But I'm afraid, Lovey that there's nothing I can do about her volume. She is just 2, you know. We might as well just try and get used to it.
I can't wait to see what happens in month 4!
Mama Bear
August 2, 2010
Happy Second Birthday, Big Girl!

Today Miss Bean is 2! Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday we were telling you she was in fact a baby, not a bean. Remember? Now she's a talking, running, playing, eating machine. Yesterday we had a smallish family party, which, in addition to the new doll family she got from her grandparents, she found a bit overwhelming and as such as spent today overtired from not going to bed till late and getting up much too early this morning. We're kind of pretending this is just a regular day since we're (insanely) having a pizza and cupcake party with a bunch of kids tomorrow.
Miss Bean is an awesome little kid. She's obviously cute, but she's also really smart and funny and, most of the time, sweet. She has an incredible memory, which is wonderful and a little scary as she won't forget things for months. She loves books and can play by herself, putting her babies and doggies to bed or organizing things, for long periods. Now she's starting to sort of learn of her numbers and ABC's. Her granny says she even smarter than her own two kids were at 2. But she might be a little biased and a little forgetful. But now that she's 2 though things are going to change. We're going to start making sure her teeth get brushed with toothpaste twice a day. Hopefully in a few weeks she'll be able to spit the toothpaste water out of her mouth instead of a.) pouring it down the drain or b.) drinking it. The other thing we're going to work on is having her pick up her toys before she goes to bed. I know this is probably futile, but you know, we've got an actual baby round these parts now so Miss Bean has to start earning her keep.
Happy Birthday, Miss Bean! We're so lucky to have you! This past year has been incredible and we look forward to all the great things your third year will bring.
July 28, 2010
So, what did I do with all the time I was nursing and holding The Bean when she was a babe? Remember, I didn't read/finish a book for MONTHS back then. It seems crazy since I've been reading all the time since Miss Koala was born. Did you know I even brought a book to the hospital? N thought it was crazy, but actually there's quite a lot of down time after the labor is over. Day old babies tend to sleep ALL day and there's only some much Admiration of Sleeping Infant that I can stomach. I brought The Help, which was the perfect labor, post-labor, having a new baby in the house book. When they saw it, almost all of my nurses commented that they had read it too. It's a fun book---not great literature, but very readable.
Here are the other books I've read:
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichel
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley
Little Bee by Chris Cleave
All were very readable. The Magicians I didn't really like because it was too much fantasy. N dug it though. Garlic and Sapphires was pretty good, but not the great book I thought it would be. After a while, I got a little tired of the device of the costumes Reichel uses. Dragon Girl was good even though I'm not into the thriller/mystery genre. Like every third person in America, I found entertaining. Get This Number was disappointing. I enjoyed Crosley's first book of essays I Was Told There'd Be Cake, but the second wasn't as funny or interesting. Little Bee was a page-turner and I liked it up until the last fifty pages of so, but I can't remember why exactly. I just started Lit by Mary Karr. And 1-2-3 Magic: How To Discipline Your 2-12 Year Old because The Bean has been on the ATTACK lately.
What are you reading?
Here are the other books I've read:
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichel
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley
Little Bee by Chris Cleave
All were very readable. The Magicians I didn't really like because it was too much fantasy. N dug it though. Garlic and Sapphires was pretty good, but not the great book I thought it would be. After a while, I got a little tired of the device of the costumes Reichel uses. Dragon Girl was good even though I'm not into the thriller/mystery genre. Like every third person in America, I found entertaining. Get This Number was disappointing. I enjoyed Crosley's first book of essays I Was Told There'd Be Cake, but the second wasn't as funny or interesting. Little Bee was a page-turner and I liked it up until the last fifty pages of so, but I can't remember why exactly. I just started Lit by Mary Karr. And 1-2-3 Magic: How To Discipline Your 2-12 Year Old because The Bean has been on the ATTACK lately.
What are you reading?
July 19, 2010
Two Months!

Sweet Girlie Girl,
Today you are two months old, Miss Koala! And, you are rocking the percentiles: 95th% in weight, just over the 75% in height, and the 90th% for your big ol head. You had your first taste of things other than boob milk today: the Rotovirus vaccine which is a sweet liquid administered orally and some Tylenol administered by mama this evening. You liked both quite a lot! You also got a huge number of vaccines in the form of three shots, which made you quite fussy tonight. I felt so bad for you. You were really miserable--over tired and probably feeling quite yucky. It took a lot to get you to go to sleep and I ended up putting you in your swing even though in talking with the doctor we decided it's better to get you more used to your bed. The swing is okay if we're desperate though and tonight just didn't seem like the right time to force the initial sleep in the bassinet. You are capable of falling asleep in there---I haven't had to put you in the swing in the middle of the night. So now we just have to work on breaking the habit. For both parents and baby.
What else other than your tremendous growth? You're cooing more, we think we've seen some smiles, you've had some ENORMOUS poops (conveniently all over your dad and not mama), and when you are awake you're definitely taking in your surroundings. It seems like you can get over stimulated in the evenings---we're still trying to figure out when exactly is a good time for you to go to bed.
You seem pretty easy going although the day after I said that to N last week, you got a bit fussy. But you don't seem to really cry unless you're tired or hungry or like the other morning in some kind pain. You're up regularly, every 2-3 hours, in the night---that first week when you went for four hour stretches (and that one 6 miraculous one) were teases. Your favorite eating time seems to be around 3 am.
Oh, and this month, right at week 7 you FINALLY accepted the pacifier! Interestingly, it's the same (and only) kind your sister liked.
You've been hit by sister around 600 times this past month. Luckily, it's not usually very hard, but she has, on a few occasions, caused you to cry. So, just between you and me, when you're 2 and she's 4 and you whack her because she takes your toy or won't share her snack, I'm going to fake yell at you and give you a fake time out. Cuz just that one time, she might deserve it. You gotta get a little revenge somehow, right girlie?
Oh, and when it's not a 8000 degree humidity heat wave, one of the best things about this month has been snuggling with you. You seem like you're getting pretty snugly. Here's to lots of snuggling for month #3!
Love, Mama
July 12, 2010
Twelve Days!
For some reason, perhaps I was inspired by N's pledge to (mostly) go off the internet for the next few weeks, I decided to give up Facebook AKA The World's Biggest Time Suck, for the month of July. So far, it's not painful. And I spend SO much less time on the computer.
I won't give it up forever, but maybe when I go back I won't feel compelled to check it multiple times a day.
I won't give it up forever, but maybe when I go back I won't feel compelled to check it multiple times a day.
July 7, 2010
Heat Wave
Yeah, I know you know. But are you nursing a 12 + pound super sweaty swaddled up baby? I'm gonna be so happy when it breaks. So is N if just that it means I'll stop moaning about the heat.
Speaking of N, do you know that he made the world's most delicious salad for dinner tonight? It was SO GOOD. Greek and summery and he shouldn't change a thing when he makes it again.
Maybe the heat has gone to his head, but he also made dinner last night. That's TWO nights in a row, y'all. Hooray for Jamie Oliver's $5.00 iPad app!
Today Miss Koala is 7 weeks old. She's such a sleepy girl. I don't know how much of it is her, the heat, or us. Basically we swaddle her and stick her in a swing in our room, which is moderately air conditioned and she sleeps...oh, all day. She'll wake up to nurse a little bit, but after an hour or so she wants to go back to sleep. I've actually had to wake her a few times because I was worried she'd been sleeping too long and would get dehydrated. Miss Bean wasn't like this at all. It was impossible to get her to nap, but maybe that was because we didn't to the swaddle/swing method during the day. We crazily tried to get her to sleep in her bassinet. Silly parents. Miss Koala does spend part of each night sleeping in her bassinet, but she starts off in her swing and ends up in our bed. Luckily, our pediatrician said nothing you do it really "habit forming" in the first three months.
Oh, and Miss Koala has finally come to terms with the fact that sometimes all life offers is a plastic nipple. Yesterday was a MAJOR breakthrough with the pacifier. And today she had some good long spells with it too. I predict in no time that she'll be an addict like Miss Bean was too.
Speaking of N, do you know that he made the world's most delicious salad for dinner tonight? It was SO GOOD. Greek and summery and he shouldn't change a thing when he makes it again.
Maybe the heat has gone to his head, but he also made dinner last night. That's TWO nights in a row, y'all. Hooray for Jamie Oliver's $5.00 iPad app!
Today Miss Koala is 7 weeks old. She's such a sleepy girl. I don't know how much of it is her, the heat, or us. Basically we swaddle her and stick her in a swing in our room, which is moderately air conditioned and she sleeps...oh, all day. She'll wake up to nurse a little bit, but after an hour or so she wants to go back to sleep. I've actually had to wake her a few times because I was worried she'd been sleeping too long and would get dehydrated. Miss Bean wasn't like this at all. It was impossible to get her to nap, but maybe that was because we didn't to the swaddle/swing method during the day. We crazily tried to get her to sleep in her bassinet. Silly parents. Miss Koala does spend part of each night sleeping in her bassinet, but she starts off in her swing and ends up in our bed. Luckily, our pediatrician said nothing you do it really "habit forming" in the first three months.
Oh, and Miss Koala has finally come to terms with the fact that sometimes all life offers is a plastic nipple. Yesterday was a MAJOR breakthrough with the pacifier. And today she had some good long spells with it too. I predict in no time that she'll be an addict like Miss Bean was too.
June 19, 2010
Miss Koala: One Month
Oh Miss Koala,
I do hope you are sleeping upstairs. I imagine you are since it's quiet. It's not that you're a huge crier---you're really not, but you love to nurse nurse nurse even when you're not really hungry just very very tired and sometimes mama just can't do it anymore and has to hand you off to Papa N. It's been a little trickier getting you to go to sleep the past few nights, but all in all you've been a good baby.
Your life has started off so differently than your big sister's. The labors were night and day---yours being tremendously easier. We didn't have to move last week, which was wonderful. But you have a lot more noise in your life than your sister did. And even though she tries to be gentle, you are often getting poked and prodded by Miss Bean. With the Bean I felt like it took me weeks to sleep deeply enough to feel somewhat rested. With you, we're breaking all our rules and letting you sleep in the bed with us 95% of the night....This way we're all able to sleep. I would've have been much too worried to do this with your sister, but with you I'm able to prop your head up on the crook of my arm and sleep well. But I'm hoping that next month you'll be sleeping in your basinette more and more.
In some ways I'm able to enjoy you more than I was able to enjoy your sister at your age. Not having to move, having Papa N around, having friends around, being fluent in toddler/baby talk, having done this once before all contributes to this. But at the same time I have expectations that I didn't have with The Bean. Because I know nights like this won't last forever, I can't help but sometimes want to speed things up. I know how much better it will be for everyone when you can sleep on your belly in your own room and sit up and smile and laugh and eat bananas. And so on....I hope these expectations don't force you to grow up too fast.
All in all the month has gone by pretty quickly. It's exciting to see you opening your eyes more and more each day.
Here's to a wonderful second month!
I do hope you are sleeping upstairs. I imagine you are since it's quiet. It's not that you're a huge crier---you're really not, but you love to nurse nurse nurse even when you're not really hungry just very very tired and sometimes mama just can't do it anymore and has to hand you off to Papa N. It's been a little trickier getting you to go to sleep the past few nights, but all in all you've been a good baby.
Your life has started off so differently than your big sister's. The labors were night and day---yours being tremendously easier. We didn't have to move last week, which was wonderful. But you have a lot more noise in your life than your sister did. And even though she tries to be gentle, you are often getting poked and prodded by Miss Bean. With the Bean I felt like it took me weeks to sleep deeply enough to feel somewhat rested. With you, we're breaking all our rules and letting you sleep in the bed with us 95% of the night....This way we're all able to sleep. I would've have been much too worried to do this with your sister, but with you I'm able to prop your head up on the crook of my arm and sleep well. But I'm hoping that next month you'll be sleeping in your basinette more and more.
In some ways I'm able to enjoy you more than I was able to enjoy your sister at your age. Not having to move, having Papa N around, having friends around, being fluent in toddler/baby talk, having done this once before all contributes to this. But at the same time I have expectations that I didn't have with The Bean. Because I know nights like this won't last forever, I can't help but sometimes want to speed things up. I know how much better it will be for everyone when you can sleep on your belly in your own room and sit up and smile and laugh and eat bananas. And so on....I hope these expectations don't force you to grow up too fast.
All in all the month has gone by pretty quickly. It's exciting to see you opening your eyes more and more each day.
Here's to a wonderful second month!
miss koala,
May 24, 2010
Introducing: Miss Koala!
May 18, 2010
Being Me: 39 Weeks And Counting
If I stand for too long, my feet hurt.
If I sit for too long, my back hurts.
If I lie down for too long, my back and hips hurt.
I'm not even going to talk about the heartburn and spontaneous vomiting.
Yeah, I'm done with being pregnant. Not looking forward to labor, but very excited to meet (and name?!) Baby Meow Meow aka #2! Also very excited to wear pants without elastic and see my feet.
If I sit for too long, my back hurts.
If I lie down for too long, my back and hips hurt.
I'm not even going to talk about the heartburn and spontaneous vomiting.
Yeah, I'm done with being pregnant. Not looking forward to labor, but very excited to meet (and name?!) Baby Meow Meow aka #2! Also very excited to wear pants without elastic and see my feet.
May 10, 2010
So it feels like I'm at the doctor's office like every day now, but it's only once a week. Normally it's pretty quick too---pee, get my blood pressure done, get weighed, listen to Baby Meow Meow's heart, and go home. It's not weird for me to be the only person in the waiting room. Another 10 pts for NH. But today felt like I was back in the New York. It was crowded y'all and I had to wait an hour! I was so mad at myself for not bringing my library book---it's very slim pickings in the waiting room and only a National Geographic that I've already looked at in the office itself. Anyway, I got to thinking how I've been reading a lot lately. I think I'm trying to get it all in although I'm hopeful it won't take me quite as long to get back to reading as it did with The Bean.
So here's an update of some of the recent books I've read.
Amy Bloom's Where The God of Love Hangs Out: I just finished this collection of short stories but a bunch of them are connected and I like those ones best. Bloom is a good writer and this was a quick read. The stuff is heavy but in a lightish way: affairs, older people ailments, parental rage. I took a class with Bloom back in the day and she was so self-involved that it's kind of marred by opinion of her. But still. She knows how to write a story and she's especially good at endings.
Elizabeth Gilbert's Committed: I took this out because I was so surprised that my little library had it and like almost every other white chick in America I dug Eat, Pray, Love. This book is also non-fiction and while I wasn't really all that interested in the "history" of marriage (I was more interested in Gilbert's story about remarrying after an awful divorce) I surprised myself by reading it all and reading it quickly. When I was done with it, I didn't have any insight into my own marriage, but I do think it's interesting how different cultures view marriage. Love marriages are great, but it's the arranged ones that historically work.
Julia Child's My Life in France: This was a lot of fun, actually. Julia Child was a really funny, kooky, lady. I liked reading about her life with Paul and the beginning of her love affair with food/cookery.
Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge: This is a great book. You should read it right now. It's interconnected stories about elderly people in coastal Maine. The writing is so good and the characters are believable and interesting.
I'm sure I'm leaving something out, but I can't remember. Also, there are no books by men up here either. Oh well. I just bought Michael Lewis' The Blind Side, which is about football so that should balance something out. Except "Real Simple" came today and it's all about organizing your life, which may take over everything.
So here's an update of some of the recent books I've read.
Amy Bloom's Where The God of Love Hangs Out: I just finished this collection of short stories but a bunch of them are connected and I like those ones best. Bloom is a good writer and this was a quick read. The stuff is heavy but in a lightish way: affairs, older people ailments, parental rage. I took a class with Bloom back in the day and she was so self-involved that it's kind of marred by opinion of her. But still. She knows how to write a story and she's especially good at endings.
Elizabeth Gilbert's Committed: I took this out because I was so surprised that my little library had it and like almost every other white chick in America I dug Eat, Pray, Love. This book is also non-fiction and while I wasn't really all that interested in the "history" of marriage (I was more interested in Gilbert's story about remarrying after an awful divorce) I surprised myself by reading it all and reading it quickly. When I was done with it, I didn't have any insight into my own marriage, but I do think it's interesting how different cultures view marriage. Love marriages are great, but it's the arranged ones that historically work.
Julia Child's My Life in France: This was a lot of fun, actually. Julia Child was a really funny, kooky, lady. I liked reading about her life with Paul and the beginning of her love affair with food/cookery.
Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge: This is a great book. You should read it right now. It's interconnected stories about elderly people in coastal Maine. The writing is so good and the characters are believable and interesting.
I'm sure I'm leaving something out, but I can't remember. Also, there are no books by men up here either. Oh well. I just bought Michael Lewis' The Blind Side, which is about football so that should balance something out. Except "Real Simple" came today and it's all about organizing your life, which may take over everything.
May 3, 2010
Full Term!
Yup, I'm 37 weeks today. It seems like there might be a baby 'round these parts sometime within the next five weeks or so.
Wait, let me rephrase that.
Wait, let me rephrase that.
April 29, 2010
Finally better. And this morning N and I were up BEFORE THE BEAN! Because she SLEPT TILL 7:00! It was very weird. N was up way before us, but while we waited for her I felt like we were the parents of a teenager and we were waiting to yell at her for coming home so late.
I know better than to think this might happen again. But maybe the darkening shades we put in her room are working?
I know better than to think this might happen again. But maybe the darkening shades we put in her room are working?
April 25, 2010
I don't know what I did to piss off the Gods, but man have I been paying. It started off mildly enough with a week of poor sleeping due to terrible sore throats. Then, the sore throat turned into a cold, which turned into a sinus infection and bronchitis bad enough to warrant antibiodicts. But the small stomach and all the phlegm I coughed up along with the meds turned into me throwing it all up. So I stopped the meds early (with the doc's okay, of course) but I'd still spent the last week vomiting dinner after these insane coughing fits. Pleasant.
Finally stopped vomiting and coughing so darn much only to wake up yesterday with a most painful, can barely move bruised rib. The smallest movement is soooo painful. This has been going on for WEEKS! I don't think I can take anymore. I just hope Baby Meow Meow holds on so I can heal. Would not want to labor with this pain.
Finally stopped vomiting and coughing so darn much only to wake up yesterday with a most painful, can barely move bruised rib. The smallest movement is soooo painful. This has been going on for WEEKS! I don't think I can take anymore. I just hope Baby Meow Meow holds on so I can heal. Would not want to labor with this pain.
April 20, 2010
I Hate Sippy Cups (and Some Other Things Too)
1. I hate sippy cups. They're so annoying. We have around a million and have probably lost around a thousand, but they're never where you need them to be. And The Bean is such a water drinker, which is good, but lord above if you go out and don't have a sippy cup. Then you have to buy bottled water at the store, stick a straw it and stop every two feet to give her a drink.
Can I tell you how many times we've run the dish washer because all the available sippy cups were in it? Three sippy cups, one plate, and a spoon and let's just use 10,000 kilowatts of energy. I'll spend 15 mins looking for a clean sippy cup only to find 17! sippys in the car. Well, what's one more?
2. I hate baby socks. They're so little. They're all over the house. They're never together and they're never in the drawer. And you can't send the kid out without socks. How come I've NEVER seen anyone else's kid in two different socks? What do they do differently? You know I'd toss all the current socks and buy 50 pairs of the same sock for The Bean except her feet keep growing.
3. I love Baby Bella, but I kind of hate her too. Baby Bella is the teeniest baby ever and has this hat around her neck that goes on and off and off and on. The Bean LOVES Baby Bella (most babies aren't named and if they are they usually happen to be named after Her Beaniness) and spends about 600 hours day looking for Bella because she's so small and about 900 hours DEMANDING that I (or N) put the baby's hat back on. Today I was really tempted to cut the stupid hat off, but, and this probably the true part that I hate, I was scared. I was scared to cut a stupid hat off a small plastic baby because it was nap time and I thought if the hat was truly off, Miss Bean might never nap again.
Then, after nap (which was nice and long happily), I was just scared of the trauma it might induce if I did snip the hat. The baby cost a $1! Why do have to think about it so?
4. My car. I just want it to be clean and not full of ancient toddler snacks and sippy cups and crumbs and a million kid books and, have I mentioned the crumbs?
Can I tell you how many times we've run the dish washer because all the available sippy cups were in it? Three sippy cups, one plate, and a spoon and let's just use 10,000 kilowatts of energy. I'll spend 15 mins looking for a clean sippy cup only to find 17! sippys in the car. Well, what's one more?
2. I hate baby socks. They're so little. They're all over the house. They're never together and they're never in the drawer. And you can't send the kid out without socks. How come I've NEVER seen anyone else's kid in two different socks? What do they do differently? You know I'd toss all the current socks and buy 50 pairs of the same sock for The Bean except her feet keep growing.
3. I love Baby Bella, but I kind of hate her too. Baby Bella is the teeniest baby ever and has this hat around her neck that goes on and off and off and on. The Bean LOVES Baby Bella (most babies aren't named and if they are they usually happen to be named after Her Beaniness) and spends about 600 hours day looking for Bella because she's so small and about 900 hours DEMANDING that I (or N) put the baby's hat back on. Today I was really tempted to cut the stupid hat off, but, and this probably the true part that I hate, I was scared. I was scared to cut a stupid hat off a small plastic baby because it was nap time and I thought if the hat was truly off, Miss Bean might never nap again.
Then, after nap (which was nice and long happily), I was just scared of the trauma it might induce if I did snip the hat. The baby cost a $1! Why do have to think about it so?
4. My car. I just want it to be clean and not full of ancient toddler snacks and sippy cups and crumbs and a million kid books and, have I mentioned the crumbs?
April 13, 2010
Don't You Want to See This Movie?
Mommy and The Bean do! They've watched the trailer 800 times this month!
April 6, 2010
Should N Buy An iPad?
The poor sleeping has continued here at The House of Bean's. Last night we had to go into her room a total of 6! times. I'm 75% sure it's a combo of molar teething and the rapid rate of her development and the fact that it's still pretty light when she goes to bed. And also I think she's overtired. Not to mention who wouldn't want their mom or dad to hold their hand through the crib rails ALL NIGHT? Today I tried to compensate by putting her down for her nap and bedtime early. I think maybe we've been trying to stick to a "schedule" too much and if a kid hasn't slept well (in a week!) then maybe they should nap an hour early. The nap went pretty well---she yelled for a bit, but didn't attempt to destroy her crib by shaking it violently like she's been doing. I left before she woke up, but her sitter said she slept for just under two hours which is good. She cried for about 10 minutes now, but let us hope this silence is not the lull before the shrieks.
We had a very nice Easter here with N's family. The Bean was very well behaved, but even when she's not people think she's cute.
My due date was 7! weeks from yesterday. I'd like to go early (not too) this time around, but N says I have to stop wishing/thinking that because I'll be in a very bad mood when Baby Meow Meow is 2 weeks late. This week our friends are going to help N move of the office so we can start attempting to make it a nursery. I'm looking forward to it--- since I had to move with Miss when she was 3 weeks old, it will be nice to have things up on the wall, places to nurse, change, etc.
Did you know it's driving me crazy that we don't know if it's a boy or a girl?
Luckily, N and I have agreed to name him/her iPad. We're hoping this gets some media attention so N won't have to shell out $500 for a new toy.
We had a very nice Easter here with N's family. The Bean was very well behaved, but even when she's not people think she's cute.
My due date was 7! weeks from yesterday. I'd like to go early (not too) this time around, but N says I have to stop wishing/thinking that because I'll be in a very bad mood when Baby Meow Meow is 2 weeks late. This week our friends are going to help N move of the office so we can start attempting to make it a nursery. I'm looking forward to it--- since I had to move with Miss when she was 3 weeks old, it will be nice to have things up on the wall, places to nurse, change, etc.
Did you know it's driving me crazy that we don't know if it's a boy or a girl?
Luckily, N and I have agreed to name him/her iPad. We're hoping this gets some media attention so N won't have to shell out $500 for a new toy.
March 30, 2010
Rain Rain Rain
It's been raining for days up here. Good thing we got The Bean some new yellow rain boots and green rain jacket. She really likes splashing in the puddles, but today it's really too cold to splash. And she was so tired she literally fell asleep in her tomato soup at lunch. Messy!
We were having a good run when day light savings began. She was sleeping till about 6:30, which was so nice. But for the past 3 mornings, she's been getting up before 6! Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, she refused to take a nap, which is probably why she was sleeping in her soup this afternoon. Hopefully this rainy afternoon will help her to take a good, long nap and hopefully get her back on schedule.
Now that she mostly sleeps through the night, I feel worried about the sleep deprivation that's in my future in about 2 months or so. The Bean didn't sleep through the night for 9! months. I hope her sibling does it a bit sooner. I've heard of kids sleeping through when they come home from the hospital, but I don't think that's really likely. That might make me nervous actually....
N and I had a great weekend away since Granny and Grampy were nice enough to come up and provide The Bean with maple syrup and coffee cake along with tender loving supervision this past Saturday and Sunday. N and I went up to this nice inn in Stowe, VT. It was a late bday present for him and a bit of a baby moon. Because it's monsoon season we were able to get a luxury room for the non-luxury price. I think it might have ruined me for chain hotels. It's really pleasant to have a bathrobe when you get out of the jacuzzi! The best part was probably the heated outdoor pool though. That and not having to be on a schedule. It was a revelation to be like it doesn't matter what time it is...we have no one to care for.
My back is still giving me issues, but I suspect it will till Baby Meow Meow makes an appearance. I just need to maintain it so it doesn't go out again. I've been seeing a chiropractor who always says, "a pound in front is a pound in back." This is upsetting because the next few weeks are about Baby Meow Meow plumping up! It's hard to tell if the chiro stuff is working. It kind of depends on the day. I might try acupuncture too.
Any thoughts y'all?
We were having a good run when day light savings began. She was sleeping till about 6:30, which was so nice. But for the past 3 mornings, she's been getting up before 6! Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, she refused to take a nap, which is probably why she was sleeping in her soup this afternoon. Hopefully this rainy afternoon will help her to take a good, long nap and hopefully get her back on schedule.
Now that she mostly sleeps through the night, I feel worried about the sleep deprivation that's in my future in about 2 months or so. The Bean didn't sleep through the night for 9! months. I hope her sibling does it a bit sooner. I've heard of kids sleeping through when they come home from the hospital, but I don't think that's really likely. That might make me nervous actually....
N and I had a great weekend away since Granny and Grampy were nice enough to come up and provide The Bean with maple syrup and coffee cake along with tender loving supervision this past Saturday and Sunday. N and I went up to this nice inn in Stowe, VT. It was a late bday present for him and a bit of a baby moon. Because it's monsoon season we were able to get a luxury room for the non-luxury price. I think it might have ruined me for chain hotels. It's really pleasant to have a bathrobe when you get out of the jacuzzi! The best part was probably the heated outdoor pool though. That and not having to be on a schedule. It was a revelation to be like it doesn't matter what time it is...we have no one to care for.
My back is still giving me issues, but I suspect it will till Baby Meow Meow makes an appearance. I just need to maintain it so it doesn't go out again. I've been seeing a chiropractor who always says, "a pound in front is a pound in back." This is upsetting because the next few weeks are about Baby Meow Meow plumping up! It's hard to tell if the chiro stuff is working. It kind of depends on the day. I might try acupuncture too.
Any thoughts y'all?
March 22, 2010
You know how I wanted to ruin N's TV viewing and have Baby Meow Meow on 5/23 (instead of 5/24, which is the due date)? Well, I had an OB appointment today and somehow this came up. I was all about to explain "Lost" to my doc, when she told she was obsessed with it too! In fact, she said, this was the first season she and her husband were watching it in real time.
Ahhhhhh!!!!! What if they wanna watch it in the delivery room?
Ahhhhhh!!!!! What if they wanna watch it in the delivery room?
March 14, 2010
Is March The New February?
Sorry for the silence. We just got back yesterday from what was supposed to be a trip to sunny Florida and what ended up an almost week-long stay in New York. We were supposed to fly out of LaGuardia on Tuesday, but on the drive down on Sunday The Bean's little cough seemed to get much worse. And she added a lot of sneezing and most likely a fever. On Monday we were 99% sure we were going to change our flight to Wednesday, but on Tuesday afternoon, when her fever kept going up and her mood kept going down, we took her to the doctor who diagnosed her with "bulging ear drums." Thank goodness we decided not to get on the plane as her drums would have ruptured and she would have screamed till they did. I've never seen Miss Bean so sick for so long. She was just miserable and therefore she only wanted me or N, but mostly me. We couldn't leave her with my parents at all, which is weird. Plus, they both worked so basically N and I split up the days. I stayed with cranky Bean in the mornings while he went and did art stuff and he stayed with cranky Bean in the afternoon while I went to the movies. I know I should have gone to museums, but The Bean was so clingy and draining that all I wanted to do was sit and eat popcorn in the dark for 2 hours.
We took her outside once or twice a day to look for dogs in the park or kids in the playground, but she was so exhausted that we really could only be out for 15-30 mins. My folks have a nice apt, which they nicely let us destroy with all our stuff every time we visit, but I got really sick of it. Remember, the Bean and I were there for ten days back in January. On the plus side, the weather was great when we first got there (went downhill towards the end) and I did get to see my bro, N and I got to go on a carnivous date, I saw movies in the theater and met up with an old friend for a quick lunch, but overall my mood was pretty sour.
N got sick in the middle of the night on Saturday, but managed to drive us home in the afternoon. The Bean was a trooper, but today was the first day I felt like she was mostly better. Then this morning my back went out. We kind of saw it coming: seven nights on a pull-out couch, a very needy Bean, a 4+ hour drive home without much of a stop. Ugh. On the positive side, at least this didn't happen on Tuesday morning when N has to be back at work. And at least it didn't happen before the car ride back home. I'm hoping that since N was able to tend to Bean all day (unlike the other times it's gone out) and he'll be home tomorrow, that I'll heal a little quicker and be more okay on Tuesday. Of course this is the week our babysitter is on vacation!
But you know what takes away all the pain? Or most of it?
The Bean used her potty for the first time tonight! Go Bean Go!
We took her outside once or twice a day to look for dogs in the park or kids in the playground, but she was so exhausted that we really could only be out for 15-30 mins. My folks have a nice apt, which they nicely let us destroy with all our stuff every time we visit, but I got really sick of it. Remember, the Bean and I were there for ten days back in January. On the plus side, the weather was great when we first got there (went downhill towards the end) and I did get to see my bro, N and I got to go on a carnivous date, I saw movies in the theater and met up with an old friend for a quick lunch, but overall my mood was pretty sour.
N got sick in the middle of the night on Saturday, but managed to drive us home in the afternoon. The Bean was a trooper, but today was the first day I felt like she was mostly better. Then this morning my back went out. We kind of saw it coming: seven nights on a pull-out couch, a very needy Bean, a 4+ hour drive home without much of a stop. Ugh. On the positive side, at least this didn't happen on Tuesday morning when N has to be back at work. And at least it didn't happen before the car ride back home. I'm hoping that since N was able to tend to Bean all day (unlike the other times it's gone out) and he'll be home tomorrow, that I'll heal a little quicker and be more okay on Tuesday. Of course this is the week our babysitter is on vacation!
But you know what takes away all the pain? Or most of it?
The Bean used her potty for the first time tonight! Go Bean Go!
winter sucks
March 1, 2010
Hooray For March!
Today was a pretty cold, gray day, but who cares! It's March, which means February is over! Last February was the worstest---N was sick for like the whole month, The Bean and Mama were not sleeping nearly enough, we didn't get out enough so we wuz mean and cranky. This February was so much better. No major illnesses except for an annoying night cough from me, which lasted less than a week.
Tomorrow The Bean will be 19 months and I have to say as much as babies are cute and all, I'm digging the whole toddler scene more. I love being able to show her things and to look for things together. Her excitment about birds and dogs and pictures of babies and cake made February 2010 that much awesomer. She's so much more fun and manageable even when her newest fun thing is to run into a bedroom and close door on you or complain about the dearth of raisins in the house. Her newest trick is being able to fill in the words to songs and books. I'll sing "the monkey likes to scratch his...." and The Bean will say, "bum!" That's the most interesting version of this particular song. Trust me, the other lines are really tame.
She's also been walking up and down stairs like a champ. Today she walked up the post office and library steps using only the rail, no parental unit's hands! Go Bean Go! You make your mama and papa N so proud!
Tomorrow The Bean will be 19 months and I have to say as much as babies are cute and all, I'm digging the whole toddler scene more. I love being able to show her things and to look for things together. Her excitment about birds and dogs and pictures of babies and cake made February 2010 that much awesomer. She's so much more fun and manageable even when her newest fun thing is to run into a bedroom and close door on you or complain about the dearth of raisins in the house. Her newest trick is being able to fill in the words to songs and books. I'll sing "the monkey likes to scratch his...." and The Bean will say, "bum!" That's the most interesting version of this particular song. Trust me, the other lines are really tame.
She's also been walking up and down stairs like a champ. Today she walked up the post office and library steps using only the rail, no parental unit's hands! Go Bean Go! You make your mama and papa N so proud!
winter sucks
February 24, 2010
3 Months From Today
is Baby Meow Meow's due date!
But I'm planning on ruining N's night and having the baby a night early so he'll have to miss the season--oh wait---the SERIES finale of that show....
Yeah, I'm like that:)
But I'm planning on ruining N's night and having the baby a night early so he'll have to miss the season--oh wait---the SERIES finale of that show....
Yeah, I'm like that:)
February 12, 2010
Winter Blahs and Blues (But No Whites)

So it's not that I wish we had the blizzards that the mid-Atlantic states got or anything. Being snowed in with The Bean doesn't sound too fun, but....Would we really be snowed in? NH is mad good at plowing and people here don't become shut-ins because of a few feet of snow. I guess snow seems a little tempting if only because we could go sledding again and it's nice to look at. We have nothing here but ugly grass and patches of ice, but it's still too cold and windy to spend much time outside. The most Miss Bean can usually stand is 10 mins and then we have to come in and have either tea (she gets milky weak decaf) or warm milk with cinnamon and honey. The above pic is from last year was just moments before N slipped on the ice at Lake Morey and The Bean cried for 45 mins and then projectile vomited all over the director of N's old camp.
Today Miss Bean refused to take an afternoon nap. At one point she called "Mommy" when I was outside her door so I went into her room (she'd been fussing for a while) and she'd wedged the three baby dolls between her crib and the wall so they were looking over at her. Forty minutes later, when the nap mission was aborted, I brought her onto our bed and told her she had to be quiet. She would be for a minute or two, but when I'd open my eyes, she'd be an inch from my face grinning. It was hard not to laugh. It's nice that she's getting a sense of humor.
Not funny for Miss Bean was that I took her to get shoes before her doctor's apt today. It was a new experience and she burst into tears when the man tried to measure her foot. I think it was because she was tired. Ditto for her hysterics at getting weighed and measured. Normally she's pretty chill at the doctor, but today she was a mess. It'll be interesting to see how she is when she goes back for her next well baby, which won't be till she's 2! Which means, assuming everything is good, we'll have another kid in tow! I figured out that her next appointment will be right around when New Baby aka Yoda aka Baby Meow Meow aka Baby G will be getting her/his 2 months we could get both kids shots for the price of one trip! Whew!
I have no idea how I'm going to handle two kids. Really.
It's so cool how much Bean is learning and growing every day. Today she said "yo yos all gone" when she finished the raisins I bribed her with and then, this evening, she not only took off her pants pretty much unassisted, but she went so far as to put them in her hamper! You go, girlie!
Okay, I'm staying OFF the web this weekend so have yourself a good one.
February 1, 2010
18 Months!
Tomorrow Miss Beanie Bean will be one and half! The last six months have flown by. She's such an independent little person now. She's really talking up a storm although a lot of it is in her language. Like this morning she had oatmeal with yo-yo's and uh-oh's in it, which might confuse you but is oatmeal with apples and raisins in Beanese. The Bean is a fiend for raisins. She really won't share them with you at all!
To celebrate this past half year, N turned Bean's car seat around so she can be forward facing. She was the last of her cohort to get turned---the new pediatric guidelines say 2 (the old ones said 1 or 20 pounds) but we saw how much more comfortable her buddy Nate looked and had to to turn her. She was also running out of room with those long little legs. N drove with her to the library and he said she was very into seeing! So yay!
I know I'm biased but Bean seems very smart. She understands a tremendous amount. Today she took the "yuck" aka lint I handed her from the drier, and with minimal assistance, walked into the kitchen, pulled out the garbage, threw it out, and then attempted to put the garbage back. Yesterday I asked her to tell N which friend she saw at the gym and after a few "babies" she actually she said the name of her friend. Cool stuff, Bean!
We're still on a baby kick though. She's really obsessed. It's pretty much baby, baby, baby all day long. By the end of the day, I'm pretty sick of it, but I know it too will pass. And happily, I think she's going to be a great big sister! Very hands on as N said, but hopefully the end of the reign of the Bean won't be too traumatic or require too much therapy.
To celebrate this past half year, N turned Bean's car seat around so she can be forward facing. She was the last of her cohort to get turned---the new pediatric guidelines say 2 (the old ones said 1 or 20 pounds) but we saw how much more comfortable her buddy Nate looked and had to to turn her. She was also running out of room with those long little legs. N drove with her to the library and he said she was very into seeing! So yay!
I know I'm biased but Bean seems very smart. She understands a tremendous amount. Today she took the "yuck" aka lint I handed her from the drier, and with minimal assistance, walked into the kitchen, pulled out the garbage, threw it out, and then attempted to put the garbage back. Yesterday I asked her to tell N which friend she saw at the gym and after a few "babies" she actually she said the name of her friend. Cool stuff, Bean!
We're still on a baby kick though. She's really obsessed. It's pretty much baby, baby, baby all day long. By the end of the day, I'm pretty sick of it, but I know it too will pass. And happily, I think she's going to be a great big sister! Very hands on as N said, but hopefully the end of the reign of the Bean won't be too traumatic or require too much therapy.
January 22, 2010

I didn't mean to let three whole weeks of the new year go by without a post. So let's see:
We had a good, if long, time in NYC. The Bean got to experience a playgroup at the Jewish Community Center, two trips to the Museum of Natural History, some playground time, a very crowded kids section at Barnes and Noble, a trip to the St. Luke Roosevelt cafeteria so her parents could go see new baby Eve (yay!! Eve!!), a trip to Brooklyn, cab and bus rides, and multiple trips to Albee Baby where many ducats were spent procuring a snuggie-thing for the stroller, a new stroller bought by granny, a wind cover for new stroller, etc.
It was nice to be in the city, but I wouldn't want to live there with kids. At least not kids at ages that require a tremendous amount of shlepping of stuff. I likey my car, matey. More importantly, I feel like there's more to do during cold weather up here that's either free or reasonably priced. Plus, even when things are crowded, they're not NYC crowded. I'm sure I'd get used to the life, but....
That said, it's the end of January and I feel like I haven't been too ranting about snow this season. Let me just say that I miss not having to stuff The Bean in a coat and hat every time we go outside. And I miss the days when we could just go outside to our backyard when looking for something to do for the later part of the afternoon. Actually, today I just let her go coatless. I figured she was spending a total of 3 mins going from car into place and back again and it's so much easier to get her out of the house and buckled into her car seat when she's coatless. Besides, it wasn't that cold. Of course on the way home she got her shoes and one sock off, which made me look rather negligent when I brought into the house, but N didn't seem that concerned.
Then again he's been glued to some Battle Star Galatica thing since we got back so maybe he didn't notice.
I'll post sooner, loves, swear.
January 1, 2010
What I Haven't Been Posting About
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