So it's not that I wish we had the blizzards that the mid-Atlantic states got or anything. Being snowed in with The Bean doesn't sound too fun, but....Would we really be snowed in? NH is mad good at plowing and people here don't become shut-ins because of a few feet of snow. I guess snow seems a little tempting if only because we could go sledding again and it's nice to look at. We have nothing here but ugly grass and patches of ice, but it's still too cold and windy to spend much time outside. The most Miss Bean can usually stand is 10 mins and then we have to come in and have either tea (she gets milky weak decaf) or warm milk with cinnamon and honey. The above pic is from last year was just moments before N slipped on the ice at Lake Morey and The Bean cried for 45 mins and then projectile vomited all over the director of N's old camp.
Today Miss Bean refused to take an afternoon nap. At one point she called "Mommy" when I was outside her door so I went into her room (she'd been fussing for a while) and she'd wedged the three baby dolls between her crib and the wall so they were looking over at her. Forty minutes later, when the nap mission was aborted, I brought her onto our bed and told her she had to be quiet. She would be for a minute or two, but when I'd open my eyes, she'd be an inch from my face grinning. It was hard not to laugh. It's nice that she's getting a sense of humor.
Not funny for Miss Bean was that I took her to get shoes before her doctor's apt today. It was a new experience and she burst into tears when the man tried to measure her foot. I think it was because she was tired. Ditto for her hysterics at getting weighed and measured. Normally she's pretty chill at the doctor, but today she was a mess. It'll be interesting to see how she is when she goes back for her next well baby, which won't be till she's 2! Which means, assuming everything is good, we'll have another kid in tow! I figured out that her next appointment will be right around when New Baby aka Yoda aka Baby Meow Meow aka Baby G will be getting her/his 2 months vacs...so we could get both kids shots for the price of one trip! Whew!
I have no idea how I'm going to handle two kids. Really.
It's so cool how much Bean is learning and growing every day. Today she said "yo yos all gone" when she finished the raisins I bribed her with and then, this evening, she not only took off her pants pretty much unassisted, but she went so far as to put them in her hamper! You go, girlie!
Okay, I'm staying OFF the web this weekend so have yourself a good one.
OFF the web?
Hmmm... Winter refused her nap yesterday too. Toddler conspiracy?
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