Today, Miss Koala, you are four months! Go you! We celebrated this milestone by taking you to Kmart and buying all kinds of cheap Chinese crap that we can't live without. On a happier note, here's what you've been up to:
Smiling/laughing: You're doing this a lot more. Some objects really make you smile. You like the little blue monkey and the elephant the best. Early in the morning is your best time. You're a pretty happy baby except when you're tired/hungry/full of poop, which is probably 78% of the time.
Crib: You've been in your mini crib in your tiny room for the past five nights. The first three were pretty rough. You woke up more frequently and wouldn't take the paci. Just the act of having to get up made me exhausted. But it seems like you're getting more used to it. Last night you did an initial five hour stretch.
Sleeping: The last few weeks/month it's been kind of a nightmare getting you to settle down (not cry) before going to bed at night. For some reason, you're usually okay going down for a nap, but the evening hours are not happy ones for anyone. We've been in this situation of either putting you in the swing after an hour of crying or letting you nurse yourself into a coma. I think all the crying makes you pass out from sheer exhaustion. The other night though, I was able to get you settled without a long stretch of crying. I've been rocking you in the glider in your room, which you like. I'm looking forward to having you sleep unswaddled. It seems sort of silly at this point since you're able to bust out of it so quickly, but the few times I've put you down without it, you flailed and cried.
Gymnastics: You've flipped once on both sides. You spent a lot of this week on your side, attempting to flip from your back to your stomach, but got incredibly frustrated. You love to be held in a sitting up position so you can look out.
Holding: You can hold onto your monkey and parts of your elephant. I don't think there's 100% cognition that you're the one doing the holding, but I think by next month there will be.
Pooping: You've got some issues there, honey. Last Sunday, after five days without going, we had to take action, which you were not happy about. Hopefully we won't have to do that again.
Battle Wounds: You big sister has had a few relapses. You had a minor eye gauging and still have a scratch on your head. I'm sorry about this, little love. Hopefully this next month will leave fewer emotional and physical scars.
Eating: You're full o' milk. Your dad offered you a ham on rye this afternoon to see if you were interested in food. You looked at him like he should know better. I think we'll wait till next month to start solids.
Here's to a rolling, laughing, pooping, smiling, wound-free fifth month.
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