So, winter has happened. And it's ugly. It snowed for something like 69 out of the last 72 hours. I know this firsthand, actually because when I wasn't changing a diaper or nursing The Bean, I was looking out the window and watching it snow. This is the extent of the conversation in our house over the weekend.
Me: It's still snowing.
N.: You can't keep saying that. It's getting old.
Me: I know. Snow is getting real old, real fast. And you know what it's not even officially winter! What am I going to be like in two months? Three? Where did we move to? How is it possible that it's STILL snowing?
N. walks out of the room to get The Bean who is screaming not because she's hungry or tired or wet but because there's so much snow.
Twenty minutes later....
Me: It's still snowing!
N. You can't keep saying that. It's getting old.
And so on and so forth ad nauseum.
We got around 2 feet of snow here since Friday. 2! Feet!
Completely unrelated to the snow, but no less tragic is that N. ran over the baby's stroller. Really. There was so much snow to get off his car that he completely forgot it was in the driveway and wham. Luckily the Bean wasn't in the stroller and luckily she has two back ups, but still. Snow makes good people neglectful parents.
Anyway, we're off to the Adirondacks for The Bean's first 1/2 Jewish Xmas. Apparently there's slightly less snow over there. Bah humbug!
1 comment:
I love any post that includes dialogue from one's day to day life. I think snow everyday would drive me bonkers too.
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