To celebrate we tried to get crafty with some NH moms and make Bean a felt hat. N. says she looks like a Shriner and that the hat looks more like an open-ended pencil case but what does he know. (Actually he's totally right, but in our uncrafty defense we basically had another mom do the whole thing for us).
Cool Bean Things you might not know about:
She's sleeping unswaddled. In her crib. In her own room.
She's a champion at rolling from her back to her belly. The belly back to the back is still a problem though.
She's into holding her bottle and feeding herself although we don't let her do this for long stretches since she is only four months.
Jumperoo! That is jumping on her mom or dad's lap, really fast and bouncy since she has very strong, very muscular legs.
Scream-yelling because it's fun to be loud.
Pulling mom's hair and soon to be forever off hoop earnings.
Holding things in her own two hands.
Sucking her big toe!
Go Bean Go! We love you very much and can't wait to see what exciting adventures this next month will bring!

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