Because I'm too stuffed. Highlights of the weekend include:
The Bean sleeping like a champ on our many long car rides.
The Bean sleeping like a champ on Thanksgiving. Two 6! hour stretches.
The Bean sleeping like a champ in our hotel room in Newport. She slept till 8:15, but that might have been because the room was freezing!
Eating a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
Eating a great brunch on Friday.
Eating tons of pizza on Friday night.
Going out to dinner on Saturday with J. and K. and not talking about babies!
Getting to see Milk with N. while the 'rents (thank you so much!) Bean sat. This was a great movie; timely in a sad way because of Prop 8. Sean Penn is on my short list for Oscar nominations.
Hearing about the Bean's baptism from my aunt's ancient dog.
Finishing the Ms. Hempel Chronicles in only 5! days. This was a good book and although it's about a woman, it's not chick lit. Really.
Learning about Mark Whalberg's 3rd nipple!
Woohoo! Too bad Thanksgiving only happens once a year!
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