Cuz the leaves fall off like rain here in New Hampshire. I have to say I've never seen a fall like this. The foliage is/was stupendous but this morning (and several mornings and afternoons last week) I would sit in the rocker in the Bean's room and watch the leaves just fall and fall and fall. It's beautiful, but scary. Soon the trees will be more naked than the Bean in her bath.
But let's not dwell on the impending doom and gloom of our first winter when we've been having so much fun.
Two weekends ago we went to visit the country grandparents in the Adirondacks. En route the Bean got a new and improved stroller and a very hip pair of shoes. And a giraffe! An excellent time was had by all in the Adks: the Bean was a star and her parents went on a date!
Then, on Wednesday the city grandparents came up to the country. The Bean spent three days completely out her swing since there were so many eager hands to hold and cuddle her. We went to visit the great aunties in Vermont where Grandpa Muel was bullied into his first diaper change in what? 30 years? We also went apple picking. Do you believe that I actually made apple sauce! I even froze some for the Bean when she can eat such deliciousness in about 3.5 months. I know I'm getting so country it's a little scary.
Even scarier is that this weekend we're heading off to Binghamton for my 10 year college reunion. I want to say I was smoking crack when I thought this would be a good idea but since I was seven months pregnant at the time you probably wouldn't believe me.
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