The Bean is two months old today! To celebrate she got grape Children's Tylenol (YUM!) and 5! immunization shots (OUCH!) But she was a brave little Bean and didn't scream/cry for too long. The Bean is now 12 pounds and 14 ounces and 23 inches long. To celebrate her two monthness and all-around cuteness, I'm going to post this on the same day I wrote it. And put up another picture of her up cuz it's been a while and I know you're all dying for another peek. This picture is from a few weeks ago. The Bean is trying to look interested in a lecture her dad is giving in his classroom at his new school.

Try harder, Bean, try harder!
That picture looks sooo fake. Honestly. It's a Photoshop filter, right? RENDER>ADD BABY
The Divine Ms. G!
happy b-day bean! a little late i know. but with baby's the next "month" birthday will be here any minute so really when you think about it i'm sending early wishes not late ones. way to go me!
e, is your email still the same? i just noticed that you changed youre last name or something according to facebook and i'm not sure if i still have the right address for you now. if i do and you got my email do not consider this pressure to email me know, cause we're supposed friends or whatever...i just wanted to check. okay, love. and x's and o's and sweet kisses to baby.
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