Just kidding. You think I'm reading books? That was a lifetime ago. Remember the book I took out of the library back in early September? It's a total no-brainer and yet I've had to renew it twice! And I think I still have 200 pages to go. I'm not sure because I haven't looked at it in a week.
Actually, I just remembered I did read a book. It's probably one of the best YA books out there. Mom, The Wolfman and Me by Norma Klein is just so well done. I've read it at least 10 times and more than a few times as an adult. I recommend it. It's quirky without being cute and the narrator sounds so honest. It's very short too, which is how I managed to read it while The Bean took her 10-15 minute naps. The next too easy read while The Bean naps is going to be Superfudge by Judy Blume, which I read so much as a kid that I knew the entire first chapter, word for word, by heart. Really. Ask my mom if you don't believe me.
Other than the YAs I read this excellent piece by Larry David. And this this interesting piece about David Foster Wallace
On a more uplifting note than suicide, the scariness of the election, and having a mushy brain because I no longer read or have regular adult conversations, I did have an excellent (i.e. STRONG) margarita last night! Hopefully there's another one in my future real soon.
Happy weekend!