April 26, 2011


I'm going to try to blog a little more this month and then, when Miss K turns the big 01, I'm going to shut this baby down.


You know, this blog used to be about missing Brooklyn and having to move to NH and how weird it is up here and how terrible the winters are and also it was about books and general updates. And now, or for the past 2 years, I feel like it's only about my kids and that's great and all but really, isn't it also a little bit boring?

I'm finding it boring and they're my kids so I'm actually interested in what time Miss K got up from her nap and how many poops were pooped on Tuesday. But you shouldn't be.

I'm thinking about starting a new and improved, less kid-friendly blog. Maybe after the summer. Maybe before. Maybe not at all. Anyway, keep reading for now. I will write through mid-May at least.

And, fyi, Miss K was up a few minutes after 10:00 AM today. Not such a good morning nap.

1 comment:

Karen said...

looking forward....
And maybe you could get rid of your word verification.