October 26, 2010

Jumpin Jack Flash

So....we made it back to NH, totally in love with the spaciousness of the minivan. Man, did it feel crowded back in the Impreza. I think we'll sell/trade N's outback and get something totally uncool. Actually, I like the Toyota Highlander a lot and that looks pretty cool, but I've never driven one and I have a feeling that nothing will be as spacious as a minivan.

We've gotta get a babysitter so we can go test drive some mom mobiles! How's that for fun?

What else? N's had LONG days at work this week so I've been on solo parenting duty. I feel like it's pretty mangeable although dinner was a little nutty. I didn't tell N what his first born had for dinner, but I'll tell you: cottage cheese and yogurt and frozen blueberries.

I said, "what do you want for dinner, Bean?"
Bean said, "Cottage cheese and yogurt and frozen blueberries."
So she did.
It was late. The baby was crying and hungry and tired and crying and we didn't really have anything prepared so I gave her what she asked for. Halfway through I defrosted a hot dog so she'd have some semblance of protein, but it wasn't my finest of meals.

Miss Koala had gobs of squash and oatmeal. She LOVED it. At least she got happy when I fed her and cried when I stopped. After a while I had to stop since it seemed liked she was eating too much for someone her size even if she is enormous.

We started feeding her solids for dinner over the weekend instead of giving her a bottle. She was SO happy. It defnitely helps her feel more settled when she nurses before bed. But I have to feed her early, not too close to bedtime, or she gets too full and kind of sick. I messed that up tonight. But it was so nice out this afternoon and we went down to the playground where there were a million kids and you know this weather isn't going to last and we just kept running into people we knew and it was one of those nights where you give your kid what she asks for for dinner because then you don't actually have to think of something.

Oh, and yesterday, Bean had strawberry ice with whipped cream and a cherry. For lunch.

October 19, 2010

5 Months!

Miss Koala!
You are 5 months old today! In NYC! You were supposed to be 5 months in NYC, CT, MA, VT, and finally NH, but we stayed one more day in New York because your papa N got food posioned and spent the earliest parts of the morning puking puking puking. One lesson you should no know at your wise old 5 monthiness is: DON'T ORDER THE FISH ON MONDAYS!

Moving right along, you seem to be growing up and out and long! You're are super aware of your surroundings now and I feel confident that when I bring you to places like the playground or gymnastics that you will enjoy it (to the best of your non-mobile abiities) and then, when you've had enough stimulation, take a quick nap.

Getting you to go to bed has gotten so much easier this month. In fact, I really don't remember the last time we used the swing! Yay! I am starting to wonder if you might like to have a bottle instead of nursing before bed though. I think you get so tired that nursing is too much and you get a little hysterical. So we might try incorporating that during your sixth month. I think you also might be ready to have some dinner. There may be some mushy goodness in your future, little one.

This is also, hopefully, the last month that you'll be swaddled. It's time to say good-bye to that rarely washed cotton wrap, dude.

You haven't rolled or really attempted to roll again this month,but I'm confident that you'll be moving soon enough and I really enjoyed doing a whole yoga class two weeks ago when you so chilly lay on your back and listened the whole time. You have discovered your feet, which is pretty exciting. For you.

Okay, this post was just interrupted by YOU! For the second or maybe third time this evening (and you've been asleep for less than 3 hours!) you've woken up and needed a cuddle. You've been sleeping horribly in New York. I don't know if it's that you're going to bed hungry (which I kind of doubt since you're huge) or you're teething like crazy or you don't like sharing a room anymore, but it's been a little bit of a nightmare. Actually, you haven't been sleeping that great in NH either, baby. And you know, you're kind of old now and mama's kind of tired, so let's work on improving this, 'kay?

Although there have been some scratches, I'd say all in all violence against babies has been down this past month.

Your sister has decided that you're going to be a monkey for Halloween. While in the city, I found a cheap costume, which I hope will fit you in 12 days, monkey girl.

You're still smiling and laughing AND pooping a lot, which is a lot of fun.

Here's to an unswaddled, sleeping longer stretches month #6!

October 13, 2010

Later, Skater!

Sorry for the silence. With all my free time between diaper changes and nursing and getting in all the playground time we can, I somehow have managed to neglect ye little blog. Anyway, we've been having a time here: Miss Koala has found her feet, The Bean has decided that she's going to be a lollipop eating COWBOY this Halloween, and we've rented a minivan to see how we does it and we're heading down to NYC tomorrow!

When we return on Tuesday, Miss Koala will a humongous 5 months and we might have sold ourselves on a new boat.
Updates to follow.