Thanks to the boys in the pinstripes, a certain NH mama doesn't have to the dinner dishes/clean-up for a week!
I wish the games weren't on so late. I could barely make it to the 4th inning for most of them and the parts that I saw were pretty exciting. Also, for the next NPR pledge drive, I'm giving to Vermont Public Radio instead of New Hampshire's. They didn't even announce the series games---they'd only be like in sports, the Celtics won, the Bobcats lost. N said this morning the announcer said something like, "The World Series ended in the Bronx last night. Some said the Yankees won."
Whatever, you sad little Red Sox fans. You're going to miss my $50 pledge. I'm so not going to miss doing the dishes though.
epic fail.
i wish you were on Twitter so i could unfollow you.
No wonder Dunkin Donuts wasn't mobbed today...they usually do some kind of free giveaway every time the Red Sox win. I'm not a baseball fan, but I did grow up in the Bronx, so go Yankees!
The super next door, in response to my greeting, smiled broadly. He said that nothing could go wrong today. I was down on lower Broadway this morning, and it is already mobbed, as though the boys of November were expected any minute instead of tomorrow.
Wish you were here.
i might have to pledge to your NH station this year then. radio with no sports sound awesome. now if only i could find an npr station that doesn't devote all of their news hour to "the iraq".
happy that your happy though.
not a fan in allentown.
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