Now that The Bean is a 1-year and 1 week and 1 day old, N and I have decided that she stop smoking. She goes without when she's playing during the day, but naps and nighttime? She's a fiend.
I had the honor of putting her in the crib san ciggies this evening and it didn't go well. I was so nervous about the whole thing that I plopped her down without singing to her or remembering to turn off her music. She was in hysterics so N went up, discovered the still playing music and turned it off, and soothed her. She's sleeping now---the crying thing wasn't too long in the scheme of crying babies, but we think she's going to wake up during the night a lot.
Oh well. What can you do? I have to say that the saddest sight was watching her look for, but not find the pack of smokes when I put her in the crib.
In other news, her bday parties were a success, she got some great gifts, and is really starting to toddle. She also knows the words balloon, banana, and royal flush although the lack of smokes might hurt her poker face.
We're excited that we found a new babysitter---she seems great and she can come on Thursdays during the semester so N can go to work early and I can have some hours in the day (AFTER teaching my 8 AM class) to get stuff done. Yay!!
We're grilling champs over here, too. Our neighbors/landlords just commented that we're "always grilling." I over cooked the zukes, but the chicken was nearly perfecto tonight. So, hooray for propane, babysitters, and Nicorette gum!
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