Did you know that those people up in KV have an awesome collection of children's books. While there last week, I read for maybe the 10,000 time Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst. You know it, don't you? It's so good; the sheer frustration Alexander feels along with Ray Cruz's illustrations really captures the essence of a kid's bad day.
Yesterday, I had my very own even in Australia day. It wasn't terrible, horrible, but it just felt like one of those days when I think why do I live in New Hampshire and when is it going to get better?
The Bean was okay--a little fussy and not so nappy, but there have been worse days on that front. The sun actually came out in the afternoon and we ended up taking 2 walks. But I need a friend. I need a friend who's more like me than the people I've met here so far. I need a friend who needs a friend. And who lives close by so I can still get the Bean to have proper naps in her crib. Right next door would be great. Mostly just someone who I can just call up and say, I'm going stir crazy, wanna meet on the green? Or wanna come over for coffee. I do at least one thing with other moms most days during the week, so maybe it's better for both me and The Bean to have some days when nothing happens, but still those are the days I just long to be back in Brooklyn. And I fantasize as I push a crying Bean back home from the green about what I would be doing in Brooklyn now. Maybe I would be walking in Prospect Park with Beth and her newish son The Frog. Maybe I would be at the amazing playground a block away from our old apartment with Melissa who has a 1 year old and lives down the street. Maybe my brother would have brought Cuban sandwiches over for lunch.
But then I stop this fantasy and try to be realistic. Even in Brooklyn, the Bean would still needs naps and her naps and The Frog's naps might not gel some days. And Melissa's kid could be sick. Also: my brother hasn't set foot in Brooklyn since '99.
I remind myself to be grateful that N. has a job. That we're not in Texas. That I have met some people who I do like and that we've only been here about seven months. Don't they say it takes a year? But man the long days can be so long. And lonely.
kw might have brought some cans of warm pineapple juice to the playground....
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