Yes, it's Friday and yes, there are books to be blogged. I would also like to say that with the windchill it's -23 degrees here in NH, but, out of the goodness of heart, I have not yet filed for divorce.
But back to the books.
About six weeks ago I read The Gathering by Anne Einright. My high school English teacher/ friend recommended it quite highly. I will say that it was quite readable---Einright is a good, somewhat lyrical writer. As the book itself--I guess I'd give it a B+. I really didn't like the narrator and although a likable narrator isn't at all a requirement for a good book, in this particular case, the narrator came off so selfish and just wanting to lick her wounds it sort of held me back a bit. I don't want to be a spoiler, but suffice it to say, one major plot point seemed a bit over done and almost, sad to say, cliche.
But, don't listen to me! It won the 2007 Man/Booker and everyone else I know really liked it.
The other book I read was the 2008 Man/Booker winner The White Tiger by I'm too lazy to go upstairs to get it so just google it if you're that interested. This book is basically about the class divide in contemporary India. What's interesting is that for the first 50-75 pages I really disliked the narrator because he's so obnoxious and self-involved and hard to relate to. But then after the first 75 pages or so I changed my mind. I realized he had a right to be obnoxious and self-involved and of course I couldn't relate to him because I'm white and in America and certainly "rich" by his standards. The book got more interesting the more I read and I've thought a lot about since finishing it yesterday.
Oh...yesterday! The Bean took 3! naps...each one over an hour. And then she slept from 6:40-2:00 AM! But today. Well, let's just say I'm not reading much today. I am going to make some hot chocolate cuz baby it's cold outside.
Happy Weekend.
kw gave you 2 books to read....
A Moveable Feast and what was the other one?
One was a novel by Margaret Drabble; the other was a memoir about the first year of motherhood by an English writer whose name I can't think of at the moment.
The Waterfall; memoir is by Rachel Cusk.
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