We're back in snowy NH. And actually it's not too bad. Today is N.'s first day back at work in like a month! He got an extended break because his school was out of power from the massive ice storm that hit in December. He's not teaching, but the boy needs to get prepared for the start o' classes, which is next week. Today The Bean and I went to Mommy Doesn't Do Yoga Because Baby Needs Some Love and then to lunch with some of the moms. It feels good to be in a routine. I think once Beanie can sit on her own yoga will get more done. She gets cranky on her belly/back for too long because she want to sit or stand or bounce.
Even better than being home? We might be getting Miss Bean a babysitter! It's been hard to find one up here mostly because I suspect people don't like to share. Anyway, we're meeting her tomorrow and hopefully if all goes well N. and I could go out and do something one of these nights! Whooo hooo!
Less happy is that The Bean had her first fall yesterday. We were up at Winter Fest in Fairlee, VT. N. was wearing the baby in the Ergo when he took a spill on the frozen lake. She's fine and so he's but both were shaken up. Man, were there some tears. And some projectile spit up, which I don't think was related. But N. really needs to start digesting his food better.
Speaking of food, did you know Bean's mama is on a diet? Okay, not like a diet-diet, but I realized that eating with/without abandon (is that the expression? mom?) is not helping the tummy. It's still cool for me to eat alot (a nursing mom needs 1,000 extra calories compared to a pregnant mom who needs a mere 500), but I'm trying to just eat smarter. Like no more cookies or fries three times a week. Bummer for me, right? But still, bikini season is right around the corner....
How more random can we make this post? Oh! We bought chairs! 6 of them for our dining room! I can't wait for them to arrive.
And, last but not least, darling N. bought me a fabulous desk for Hannukah! No longer will I be blogging while slumped on the couch. I'm a lady writing at her desk. Thanks again, N. Best. Gift. Ever.