You rock on with your crazy growing self!
To celebrate N. and I bought cupcakes. loves cupcakes. I told The Bean she'd get actual cake in 9 months.
To celebrate her 3 monthness The Bean spent last night in her crib. NOT in her bassinet. She was a big fish in a little bed in the bassinet, but she's totally minnowed in the crib. She was having issues staying put. N. and I found her in a variety of crazy positions including a total 180! Hopefully, this will improve. But if she wants to be the kind of kid who sleeps with her feet on the pillow we're not going to knock it.
Also, to celebrate her first trimester out of the womb, I heard but didn't witness, The Bean flipped over from her tummy to her back this morning. N. says it was accidental, but still it counts as something.
What else, you ask.
The Bean is "talking." She says hi and variety of other things including "geek" when she looked at N. the other day. She's no dummy our little Bean.
Have I mentioned that The Bean is HUGE! She eats other babies her age for breakfast! But she is generally sleeping in longer stretches and becoming more efficient at eating.
Now that she's so old, for the first time, she's going to go for 1 hour (hopefully) of babysitting at the daycare at Mom's gym on Monday. And on Tuesday, she's going to vote for Obama. She thinks you you should too! Especially if you're at least 17 years and 9 months older. The Bean thinks it will be a great 3 month bday present if Obama wins on Tuesday. How can you let her down? She's just a baby!

Can a plugged person make an endorsement? Just asking.
Now that she got her present, she may get spoiled.
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