November 26, 2008
Well, I just finished making the mashed potatoes for tomorrow's feast over in Boston with the familia. Thanksgiving is the best holiday. No freaking presents just food! And one plus for New Hampshire is that tomorrow's drive will only be about two hours rather than five. Of course with The Bean it could turn into six although lately she's been a champion sleeper on road trips. But enough of this. There's eating to do! From our turkey to yours, have a happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2008
Holy Shit!

I finished a book! In like 5! days.
Okay, it was a dumb, chick-lit book.
But still. I feel like in some ways I'm back. A little.
Completely unrelated to my reading habits, did you know The Bean is now rolling over?
She goes from her back to her belly, hangs out for a bit, decides she's miserable, which is a bummer since she can't go from belly to back. N. and I now spend a good portion of the day rescuing Miss Bean from her belly. Ahhh, the joys of parenting.
Also, the picture was N.'s idea. I couldn't think of a good image to steal so I asked N. for a word. He said Jesus not knowing I was blogging or that said blog was entitled Holy Shit. No offense, y'all.
November 20, 2008
5-0! 5-0!
Okay, so before you worry (moms) the damage was purely cosmetic. The Bean slept through our first (and very minor) auto, uh...auto thingy! Yes, we had an auto thingy this afternoon. Route 12A is in West Lebanon otherwise known as West Leb and it's where all the box stores are. I normally hate 12A because all the box stores make it really crowded and slow, with people constantly turning and entering and all that annoying driving stuff. The only reason I was there was because I wanted to buy The Bean a boom box so she could really take it up a notch. Really, I just thought it would be nice if she had a cd player in her room so we could listen to tunes there. (The Bean has quite a cd collection btw). Anyway we were cruising in the LEFT lane because eventually we were gonna make a LEFT when a RENT A CENTER truck pulled out of the lot and smack into our car.
It was actually on the side of the car and the only damage was cosmetic so we're lucky! The Bean slept through the whole thing, but it still was scary and a bit of pain. We had to go all the way back and talk to the not so nice Rent A Center people who said the guy in the truck thought I was moving out of his way or something, which makes no sense since I was just going straight. The Bean woke up on the way back home and was in a foul mood because she had taken such a long nap and hadn't eaten in ages. But I wouldn't do one of our parking lot nurses because I didn't have my cell phone and I wanted to get home. After she nursed, I called the cops figuring I wouldn't wait around to hear from the RAC people. The cop said to bring the car there and file a report, which I did. The Bean was a trooper. For her the car means the car seat, which is totally confining these days and not fun. But she loved the police station. It was eye-opening for me since there's no real privacy so we heard the lady be told she had to pay the $40 bail for her son and that he was being held because he got caught selling what he said was cocaine but was really baking soda in the high school parking lot. Double yikes. The woman has had some kind of life since she's currently raising her 9 month old and 21 month old grandchildren because her daughters are "even worse" than her son.
The Bean really liked this woman and listened to her advice intently. It was probabaly because she had such good advice (don't sell drugs at the school, grow up to be good) and also because she had fringe on her coat, which The Bean thought was awesome.
Anyway they didn't even file a report since the damage was not particularly significant. I spent this AM on the phone with the insurance people. Hopefully the car will get pretty again next week and this will be worst traffic thingy The Bean and I are ever in.
It was actually on the side of the car and the only damage was cosmetic so we're lucky! The Bean slept through the whole thing, but it still was scary and a bit of pain. We had to go all the way back and talk to the not so nice Rent A Center people who said the guy in the truck thought I was moving out of his way or something, which makes no sense since I was just going straight. The Bean woke up on the way back home and was in a foul mood because she had taken such a long nap and hadn't eaten in ages. But I wouldn't do one of our parking lot nurses because I didn't have my cell phone and I wanted to get home. After she nursed, I called the cops figuring I wouldn't wait around to hear from the RAC people. The cop said to bring the car there and file a report, which I did. The Bean was a trooper. For her the car means the car seat, which is totally confining these days and not fun. But she loved the police station. It was eye-opening for me since there's no real privacy so we heard the lady be told she had to pay the $40 bail for her son and that he was being held because he got caught selling what he said was cocaine but was really baking soda in the high school parking lot. Double yikes. The woman has had some kind of life since she's currently raising her 9 month old and 21 month old grandchildren because her daughters are "even worse" than her son.
The Bean really liked this woman and listened to her advice intently. It was probabaly because she had such good advice (don't sell drugs at the school, grow up to be good) and also because she had fringe on her coat, which The Bean thought was awesome.
Anyway they didn't even file a report since the damage was not particularly significant. I spent this AM on the phone with the insurance people. Hopefully the car will get pretty again next week and this will be worst traffic thingy The Bean and I are ever in.
November 17, 2008
Back in Town!

The Bean and I returned from our travels yesterday. And excellent time was had by all thanks most especially to Unkie, Granny, and Dr. Muel. But of course we are thrilled to be back with Papa N! To celebrate the return of the family unit, Baby Bean and Papa Bean got styling new hats today. And guess what? It snowed. Even better? It didn't stick!
More better and thrilling than all of the above is that I FINISHED THAT DARN BOOK. Yes, it only took about 10 weeks and 2 renewals, but I finished the first novel since the arrival of The Bean. It was some random mystery by Laura Lippman and it took me so long to read that I forgot all the plot points, which I guess defeats the point of reading a mystery. I never read a mystery before but somehow it seemed like a low-investment. Still I feel accomplished. And probably a little cocky since I took out 2! new books from the library this afternoon. Neither of the new books are mysteries either.
And now I'm gonna to take the opportunity to go read (or maybe nap) since Papa N is home and The Bean is talking to herself up in her crib.
November 12, 2008
The Bean and I have bolted. But never fear. We shall return to our darling N. and creaky old New England home shortly. A longer post will follow.
November 5, 2008
November 2, 2008
3! Months! And Counting!
Do you believe it? The Bean is 3 months today! Yay Bean!
You rock on with your crazy growing self!
To celebrate N. and I bought cupcakes. Mmmmm...mom loves cupcakes. I told The Bean she'd get actual cake in 9 months.
To celebrate her 3 monthness The Bean spent last night in her crib. NOT in her bassinet. She was a big fish in a little bed in the bassinet, but she's totally minnowed in the crib. She was having issues staying put. N. and I found her in a variety of crazy positions including a total 180! Hopefully, this will improve. But if she wants to be the kind of kid who sleeps with her feet on the pillow we're not going to knock it.
Also, to celebrate her first trimester out of the womb, I heard but didn't witness, The Bean flipped over from her tummy to her back this morning. N. says it was accidental, but still it counts as something.
What else, you ask.
The Bean is "talking." She says hi and variety of other things including "geek" when she looked at N. the other day. She's no dummy our little Bean.
Have I mentioned that The Bean is HUGE! She eats other babies her age for breakfast! But she is generally sleeping in longer stretches and becoming more efficient at eating.
Now that she's so old, for the first time, she's going to go for 1 hour (hopefully) of babysitting at the daycare at Mom's gym on Monday. And on Tuesday, she's going to vote for Obama. She thinks you you should too! Especially if you're at least 17 years and 9 months older. The Bean thinks it will be a great 3 month bday present if Obama wins on Tuesday. How can you let her down? She's just a baby!
You rock on with your crazy growing self!
To celebrate N. and I bought cupcakes. Mmmmm...mom loves cupcakes. I told The Bean she'd get actual cake in 9 months.
To celebrate her 3 monthness The Bean spent last night in her crib. NOT in her bassinet. She was a big fish in a little bed in the bassinet, but she's totally minnowed in the crib. She was having issues staying put. N. and I found her in a variety of crazy positions including a total 180! Hopefully, this will improve. But if she wants to be the kind of kid who sleeps with her feet on the pillow we're not going to knock it.
Also, to celebrate her first trimester out of the womb, I heard but didn't witness, The Bean flipped over from her tummy to her back this morning. N. says it was accidental, but still it counts as something.
What else, you ask.
The Bean is "talking." She says hi and variety of other things including "geek" when she looked at N. the other day. She's no dummy our little Bean.
Have I mentioned that The Bean is HUGE! She eats other babies her age for breakfast! But she is generally sleeping in longer stretches and becoming more efficient at eating.
Now that she's so old, for the first time, she's going to go for 1 hour (hopefully) of babysitting at the daycare at Mom's gym on Monday. And on Tuesday, she's going to vote for Obama. She thinks you you should too! Especially if you're at least 17 years and 9 months older. The Bean thinks it will be a great 3 month bday present if Obama wins on Tuesday. How can you let her down? She's just a baby!

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