Have I mentioned that N. and I have a Things We Want To Do Before The Bean And Before We Move List? This week we were able to cross a few things off.
On Monday, we took the Staten Island Ferry. It's a very nice view/ride. Did you know it's free? Other than the Staten Island Yankee's Stadium, there's nothing walking distance from the ferry so we didn't do anything while we were in SI. My feet were starting to hurt so I didn't feel that bad about it.
From the ferry we saw two of the Olafur Eliasson waterfalls. We found them underwhelming and crossed that off The List.
On Wednesday we went to the hell that is Buy Buy Baby to return things. That was not on the Things We Want To Do List, but rather Things You Really Don't Want To Do But Really Should Because You Really Don't Need Six Baby Bjorns And Eight Tubes Of Nipple Cream List. Once that mission was deemed a success, we went to the heaven that is Shake Shack, which was most certainly on The List. We had single Shake Shack burgers, shared fries and a shake. It was as good as they say. I wish my stomach had been feeling a little more normal and that the hip, new self-cleaning .$25 toilet wasn't stuck in some self-imposed self cleaning mode. Having to pee makes a burger just a little less delicious. The city owes me $.50 cents, too.
We went for a medicinal stroll on the Coney Island boardwalk Wednesday evening because I was going stir and humidity crazy. Since we neither ate Nathan's, played an arcade game, swam in the ocean, or ate greasy Russian food in Brighton Beach, we're going to keep it on The List.
Not on the list, but other things we did include: watching many episodes of Arrested Development on the genius that is Hulu, watching the first two episodes of Season 1 of Prime Suspect with the genius of that is Helen Mirren, seeing the maybe he's a genius but we don't get it Murkami show at the Brooklyn Museum, and eating too much ice cream (it's organic!) at the genius that is Blue Marble because the new location is only 2! blocks from our apartment. Mmmmm...ice cream. Almost as good as pizza.
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