Well, the movers are coming for 90% of the stuff tomorrow. As of this writing, we're about 75% packed. A week spent in boxes doesn't yield much reading time so no books today.
After an excellent dinner with my friends C. and N. last night, I woke up at 3:00 this morning with the worst stomachache ever. I should say that seeing C. and N. was excellent, but the dinner itself, Pad See Ew of course, tasted a bit burnt. I'm better than I was, but still not totally recovered from the misery that is food poisoning. I'll never know if it was the culprit (my friends are fine) but sadly my Pad See Ew days are now over. My N. assured me that I will eat Thai food again and then lovingly went out at 7:30 AM to procure Coke, Ginger Ale, Tums, Saltines, and Gatorade. I'm confident that I'll be fine for the movers and going up to NH tomorrow, though. Even though he's getting a little predictable, I'm looking forward to listening to the new David Sedaris collection When You Are Engulfed In Flames during the drive.
I'll have a review of that and full recap of our moving adventures when we return to our cavernous Brooklyn apartment sometime around Tuesday. Till then, have a good weekend and feel sorry for Malice who's absolutely beside himself at our imminent departure.
Okay, Emma. I created an account. And you've answered one of my questions -- you are not well. I'm so sorry. Who or what is Malice? I guess I have to go to your earliest blogs to find out. Once again, good luck on the drive in your Subaru. And I look forward to hearing that all went well or well enough and that you managed to overcome your illness.
How do you think Mom feels?
good luck on the drive! And sorry to hear about the food poisoning-- hopefully you can return to Thai soon. I was food poisoned by a tamale two years ago, and haven't been able to return to Mexican food since. Which is tough, as Mexican food is pretty much the best local cuisine you can find in Tucson. Good thing we'll be returning to cheesesteak-land!
What is Malice? The age-old query.
If you leave me now, you'll take away the very heart of me.
Ohhhhh, no! Baby, please don't go!
Pity-party at the Fortress of Solitude! (B.Y.O. Ice Cream.)
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