A few years back on WNYC--NPR's affiliate station--I heard some statistic about people giving up their seats on the subway for pregnant women. From most likely to least likely it went like this:
Black Men
Men of Color (other than African-Americans)
White Men
These results don't surprise me. Despite the progress of women and minority groups blah blah blah, it's still a white man's world and how dare some knocked up chick expect him to get off his butt for her.
Anyway. While there are no books to be reviewed today there have been several milestones. The Bean has entered its 28th week, which means I am starting my (lucky) 7th month of pregnancy and beginning the third trimester. I've been very lucky with the pregnancy thus far and I'm hoping it sticks in this last part too.
The other exciting milestone was that someone on the 6 train offered me their seat! Whoo-hoo. Can you guess the race and gender of this generous person? I'll reveal the answer the next time I post....I'd offer a prize as an incentive but honestly I'm too lazy to come up with one and mail it.
I was on the 6 train because I had to go to the OB for the monthly check on the Bean's heart. I also had to be tested for gestational diabetes. I had to take what's called the glucose challenge. Sounds like a race some corporation would sponsor but really I had to drink like 30 liters of pure glucose without eating anything before or after. It was pretty vile. It tasted like slightly thicker orange jello before it jells, which actually isn't bad except when you have to drink so much of it all at once. Exactly an hour later I had my blood taken.
I do hope I passed the glucose challenge; if I didn't the next step involves drinking even grosser stuff and being monitored at the lab for 3 hours. Go Bean, Go Bean, Go!
All that glucose must have knocked me out because when I got home I crashed like a frat boy on quaaludes and vodka.
I don't think white males are so bad as far as subway etiquette. I'm white and I almost always get up for older/pregnant/harried women (and men) and have seen plenty of my brethren do the same. In general, I find New Yorkers are very good about giving up their seats, regardless of race and gender. The worst offenders these days, in my opinion, are those guys who spread their legs and take up more than one spot.
Anyway, my guess as to your benefactor: young, white male, Dave Matthews on the ipod.
Real bummer.But look babe, just cause you're ticked off that white guys don't give you a seat on the 6 train is no reason to flip out on glucose, ludes and Grey Goose. How'd the bean take it?
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