Woohooo! You turned one today, Miss Koala. A year ago, you were a little more than two hours old and I have no idea what I was doing. I don't think we'd gone to bed yet...we were probably calling people with our excellent news.
This is how we celebrated your big day. You got up around 5:30, got bday hugs and kisses, went downstairs with your pops to have some milk and Cheerios. When your big sis got up around 30 mins later, she pointed out the Happy Birthday banner, noticed the presents, and the excellent balloon on your high chair. Actually, I think you noticed the balloon on your own. The Bean got Belle and Snow White figures for being such a good big sis for a whole year. You got a new baby doll (because we don't have enough already) and band in a box so you can form a band now that you're the big 0-1!
After that it was bagels with cream cheese for breakfast!
I am so happy your sis had school this morning. She was a bit of a nutter. When she left, you went down for a good long nap. When you got up, we took you to look at this house we think maybe we should buy. Then we got your sister and had a picnic with some friends at the playground.
The sun finally shone for the first time in a week!
You ate a whole cupcake although I think a lot of the icing ended up on your jeans.
You wore your super cute 1 shirt.
Everyone got tired so we came home and had overlapping naps!
You were cranky when you woke so we gave you milk in a bottle, which is your most favorite thing ever.
When your sister got up we played outside. You went off a tear pushing the little red wagon all over the yard. Dinner was early and pretty good. You were able to eat spinach, which made me happy because I think maybe you don't get enough leafy greens. You loved eating tomatoes, too. You also had chicken and yam. And some more fruit salad (strawberries!) because you only turn one once.
After dinner you played a bit, had a bath, got goofy on your bottle and went to bed. All in all a pretty good day.
You are very mobile now. I find you sitting or standing or lying on your belly in the big kid crib. You talk a lot! You smile a lot! You are still pulling on your ears a lot even though last week Dr. Doug said your ears looked good. I can't believe you got another cold , but I'm hoping it's not that bad. We'll see how you're doing at your well-baby on Monday.
I think you're doing fantastic! You are the most amazing, sweetest, most edible, happy, wonderful baby in all the land.
I feel so lucky to have had you. I can't wait for next year's adventures! Happy Birthday, my little love!