March 31, 2011
March 19, 2011
10 Months!
Go Baby Go! You are an 10 amazing months today. I can't believe we're already starting to think about your 1st birthday...well, actually I can since your big sister is birthday obsessed (even for yours) and I'm rather forward thinking. But what a month, baby girl. You want to move so badly. Well, you are moving, just not in the right direction. You can't seem to get the hang of crawling forward. Most of the time your knee is in the way; and when you do get to your belly, you mostly scooch backwards. You are frustrated no end! But you're moving around and getting into things in a way you haven't done yet. You were crying earlier this evening and when I went to give you your binky, you were laying diagonally in your crib. Your dad moved your crib to the lowest setting last week because you have been flipping over more too.
You were a great traveler to Florida. You enjoyed being outside, playing in (and trying to eat) sand for the first time, and swimming in outside pools. You don't like sunblock at all! Your eyes got very red each time we put it on. You also figured out how to take off your hat on our trip. And down there you made it clear you're so done with baby food even though we sometimes have to give it to you if only to use it up. You have your first tooth and can eat most everything as long as it's small enough. You had your first fish stick today for lunch and seemed to like it. And you got really mad that everyone else was eating pizza for lunch. You love feeding yourself---you don't want to be fed unless you're super hungry or it's something super delicious like applesauce. Your hand-eye coordination is so much better too. You probably feed yourself 7 out of 10 Cheerios these days.
One of your favorite things to do these days is to give your paci to me or your dad. You think it's so funny when we have it in one of our mouths. You also laugh when I put a silly hat on. I love seeing your sense of humor develop.
You and your sister and dad all got a nasty stomach bugs when we got back from our trip. It was so sad having you so sick. But the next day, after being vomit-free for 12+ hours, you were hungry and SO mad when I tried to give you 50% formula (doctor's orders) or took away the pedialyte after a few ounces. Hopefully you won't get a bug like that for a long time.
You're starting to "talk." You like to say "da-da-da-da-da." When you say that The Bean says, "he's at work" or "I'm not da-da" or "that's mama, not da-da." You do say "ma-ma" but it tends to be when you're upset. You can also say "uh-oh" and "hi." You're a really good clapper now, too and starting to get the hang of waving. You seem very responsive to music and love shaking rattley things. You also love birds! You have this little noise you make when you see them.
For the most part, you are sleeping better. You've slept through the night a few times and before we left for Florida, you were taking one very long nap during the day. Since we've gotten back, your naps have gotten a little shorter and worse, you've taken to waking up at 4AM. It's much too early! We've been giving you a bottle at 5 AM, but I think we should try to make it even later.
You are such a big, strong girl! I don't put you in anything but 12 months and you can even wear some 18 month clothes. I ordered you a sweet little jumper in 18-24 months and hope that it will be warm enough for you to wear it on your bday. You are probably getting close to 24 pounds, honeybunch, and killing my back, but I wouldn't want you any other way.
You were a great traveler to Florida. You enjoyed being outside, playing in (and trying to eat) sand for the first time, and swimming in outside pools. You don't like sunblock at all! Your eyes got very red each time we put it on. You also figured out how to take off your hat on our trip. And down there you made it clear you're so done with baby food even though we sometimes have to give it to you if only to use it up. You have your first tooth and can eat most everything as long as it's small enough. You had your first fish stick today for lunch and seemed to like it. And you got really mad that everyone else was eating pizza for lunch. You love feeding yourself---you don't want to be fed unless you're super hungry or it's something super delicious like applesauce. Your hand-eye coordination is so much better too. You probably feed yourself 7 out of 10 Cheerios these days.
One of your favorite things to do these days is to give your paci to me or your dad. You think it's so funny when we have it in one of our mouths. You also laugh when I put a silly hat on. I love seeing your sense of humor develop.
You and your sister and dad all got a nasty stomach bugs when we got back from our trip. It was so sad having you so sick. But the next day, after being vomit-free for 12+ hours, you were hungry and SO mad when I tried to give you 50% formula (doctor's orders) or took away the pedialyte after a few ounces. Hopefully you won't get a bug like that for a long time.
You're starting to "talk." You like to say "da-da-da-da-da." When you say that The Bean says, "he's at work" or "I'm not da-da" or "that's mama, not da-da." You do say "ma-ma" but it tends to be when you're upset. You can also say "uh-oh" and "hi." You're a really good clapper now, too and starting to get the hang of waving. You seem very responsive to music and love shaking rattley things. You also love birds! You have this little noise you make when you see them.
For the most part, you are sleeping better. You've slept through the night a few times and before we left for Florida, you were taking one very long nap during the day. Since we've gotten back, your naps have gotten a little shorter and worse, you've taken to waking up at 4AM. It's much too early! We've been giving you a bottle at 5 AM, but I think we should try to make it even later.
You are such a big, strong girl! I don't put you in anything but 12 months and you can even wear some 18 month clothes. I ordered you a sweet little jumper in 18-24 months and hope that it will be warm enough for you to wear it on your bday. You are probably getting close to 24 pounds, honeybunch, and killing my back, but I wouldn't want you any other way.
March 15, 2011
Puke: Not Just Another 4 Letter Word

Oh, man. March is the new February. On the good side of the month, our travels were a success---we sunned, swam, those 21 + drank copious amounts of pina coladas, those closer to 3 drank loads of pineapple juice and chocolate milk; there was much eating, a massage, a golf lesson, and even some childcare. Oh, and we rode in a Hummer Stretch Limo cuz that's how we roll.
The girls were troopers, great on both flights. And the sleeping wasn't as bad as I thought it might be considering we were all sharing a room.
The negative was that my brand new Verizon iPhone was lost/stolen with lots of our vacation pics on it:( And Miss Bean fell out of the bed twice! The good part was that she wasn't hurt either time .
On the bad side of the month, around 3AM on Sunday, our first night back in NH, I go into Miss Bean's room after hearing her yell for water a few times and discovered that she had puked great buckets all over her crib, wall, floor, and the 800 "lovies" she sleeps with each night.
I'm not all that squeamish about the puke thing, but this was so super gross. Her sheets had to be washed twice to get the stink out! And I kept finding puke hiding in the crevices of her crib.
She was low-energy on Sunday, but not too bad. All I wanted to do yesterday was go to the gym, you can only drink so many pinas without feeling a bit on the fat side, but N came home ashen and pukey and went straight to bed at 4:00 and then Miss Koala yaked up her entire dinner all over the high chair. I cleaned her up only to have her yak again and again..all over me, the living room rug, her rug and many articles of her clothing. I felt so bad for her...The Bean rarely pukes and never did as a baby. In fact, I think The Bean solely pukes in her crib, which while messy and gross is much more contained. Hmmm.....
Needless to say, I did not make it to the gym. Monday was puke fest 2011.
24 hours later, things are much better. Miss Koala was on liquids for most of the day, but was hungry for her dinner of chicken soup and toast which she kept down. N pushed through and gave his artist talk this afternoon and has been eating various crackery things this evening.
I finally made it to the gym too.
I better not get sick! March has already caused enough damage!
long posts,
winter sucks
March 4, 2011
Well, we made it through February. Although last year, March was the new Feb what with the broken back, the bronchitis, the bruised rib....but hopefully we'll get through this one better. N is now on spring break, The Bean has a new pair of striped shorts and a great stripy sweatshirt ( a bunch of other clothes) thanks to her generous grandparents, and Miss Koala is so ready to crawl...if only she could get that leg out of the way. Yikes.
We'll be heading down to Florida on Monday morning to relish in not wearing coats, mittens, or snow boots! Posting will be light to nil--perhaps a pic or two, so till then....goodbye NH and your relentless winter!
We'll be heading down to Florida on Monday morning to relish in not wearing coats, mittens, or snow boots! Posting will be light to nil--perhaps a pic or two, so till then....goodbye NH and your relentless winter!
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