I didn't mean to let three whole weeks of the new year go by without a post. So let's see:
We had a good, if long, time in NYC. The Bean got to experience a playgroup at the Jewish Community Center, two trips to the Museum of Natural History, some playground time, a very crowded kids section at Barnes and Noble, a trip to the St. Luke Roosevelt cafeteria so her parents could go see new baby Eve (yay!! Eve!!), a trip to Brooklyn, cab and bus rides, and multiple trips to Albee Baby where many ducats were spent procuring a snuggie-thing for the stroller, a new stroller bought by granny, a wind cover for new stroller, etc.
It was nice to be in the city, but I wouldn't want to live there with kids. At least not kids at ages that require a tremendous amount of shlepping of stuff. I likey my car, matey. More importantly, I feel like there's more to do during cold weather up here that's either free or reasonably priced. Plus, even when things are crowded, they're not NYC crowded. I'm sure I'd get used to the life, but....
That said, it's the end of January and I feel like I haven't been too ranting about snow this season. Let me just say that I miss not having to stuff The Bean in a coat and hat every time we go outside. And I miss the days when we could just go outside to our backyard when looking for something to do for the later part of the afternoon. Actually, today I just let her go coatless. I figured she was spending a total of 3 mins going from car into place and back again and it's so much easier to get her out of the house and buckled into her car seat when she's coatless. Besides, it wasn't that cold. Of course on the way home she got her shoes and one sock off, which made me look rather negligent when I brought into the house, but N didn't seem that concerned.
Then again he's been glued to some Battle Star Galatica thing since we got back so maybe he didn't notice.
I'll post sooner, loves, swear.