Today I realized that I've been doing yoga pretty regularly for ten years. You'd think that I'd be pretty decent at it, right? I should clarify and say that I realized that it's been a decade of Down Dogs in the GERIATRIC yoga class I went to at the gym this morning. I know I can go for the hyperbole here, but I'm really not kidding about this. And even though I did not have to do the seated positions in a chair or check my oxygen tank at the door, I wasn't even the best person in the class. You'd think being forty to fifty years younger than the other yogis might have give me an advantage but again you'd be wrong.
It's all about flexibility, which I just don't have. I'm the least flexible person I know although my PARENTS might be close in the running, which might explain things.
I know everyone says that they're not flexible, but I once had a yoga instructor ask me if there was a STEEL ROD in my spine. I bet no one has asked you if there's a piece of steel where your spine should be.
My favorite yoga teacher used to say I had PHENOMENALLY tight hamstrings. The way she said it, I actually felt proud unlike the steel rod comment, which made me depressed for weeks. The only positive thing about that comment is that I've been able to describe just how inflexible I am.
What's weird is that if I did anything else (at least once a week) for ten years, I'd probably be much better at it today than I was in 1999. Tennis, baking bread, chopping word, salsa dancing...really is there anything other than yoga that I would just be at a complete PLATEAU for a decade?
On a positive note I really like yoga even though I'm so sucky at it so I guess I'll be in it for another ten years. The Bean must have her daddy's genes because she has a kickass Down Dog and she can put both feet in her mouth at the same time. Then again, her dad is so flexible he makes GUMBY look stiff.
Namaste, y'all , namaste!