I hate mice. Specifically, I hate mice in my home. Outside little country mice that I don't see are perfectly fine. (Unlike squirrels which I absolutely hate inside or out, but that's because I'm scared of them because I'm convinced that they're all sociopaths. Yes, squirrels are sociopaths.) We haven't (knock on wood) had any mice issues here in NH. But I'm kind of living in fear of the moose. No, I don't think I'll see a moose scurrying across the kitchen counter at 2 AM. I'm afraid one will decide to cross the street. In front of my moving car.
There are all these moose crossing signs around here and everyone time I drive past one I kind of freak out. You really don't want to hit a moose. Not only will it wreck your brand new car, it can also wreck you. And your little baby. It's no joke. The other morning on the NPR affilate it was announced in the local news section that a couple had a moose accident and were air lifted to a fancy hospital. A doctor I met said all the ER accidents up here are related to hunting and moose. Back in Brooklyn it was guns and knives but here it's the big beasts!
Interestingly enough despite all the road kill around here, you don't actually see any of it. Know why? Apparently, there's a "road kill" list. When your name comes up, you get the call at 3 AM that there's a downed moose on 89 South so you get in your truck and go get it. Weird, huh?
So keep your fingers crossed that no moose cross our paths and that N. doesn't put us on the "road kill list" because we have no idea how to dress a moose, Sarah Palin, and we like it like that!