It'd wrong to start a blog about my impending move to New Hampshire and then not let people know what happened when I got there, right? Fear not my 3.5 readers. I'm here. We've been in NH for a week. N. went to work on Tuesday so Bean and I were alone for the rest of the week. We did pretty well because Bean is actually a very excellent baby. I recommend getting one like her. When she cries or fusses it's generally because she's hungry or wants to be picked up so (thank god) I'm able to console her. By Friday though I was going a little crazy mostly because I was sick of the house. I did make it a point to go out at least once a day but it was hard because it's sunny and unlike the city there's not a ton of shade in the middle of the day because there aren't any tall buildings and it's bad for the Bean to be in the sun. Plus, there's a ton of construction on our street and wheeling the stroller in the heat and up the hills is pretty intense.
But we went to post office, the bank, and on Thursday we went to this moms meeting in town. I need to talk to adults and even though baby talk can get a little ridiculous, it was helpful and the women were nice. I even went to the pub across the street with a bunch of the ladies afterwards.The back room is only for the moms so you can breast feed while eating your burger and not alarm the non-breast feeding patrons.
If our big mommy-baby outing wasn't enough, later that evening I maneuvered the Bean back down to the town Green for the farmer's market. N. met us there after work and we bought: the tastiest heirloom tomato I've ever had, organic wheat bread, corn, lettuce, and jam. We ate some dinner there and listened to some music. It was pretty fun but they do not know how to make a samosa in New Hampshire. At least not here.
If you are planning on getting a baby, I recommend getting the brand that can nap in their bassinet during the day. Our Bean is not that brand. She'll nap during the day but only while being driven or wheeled. It's very dangerous to nap while strollering so I end up pretty beat.
I do not recommend moving with a 3 week old baby because they are not conducive to unpacking. Our place is finally starting to look livable and that's thanks to N's parents who came down this weekend.
The weather here has been really nice. I hope it stays that way for the rest of the year.
Will I ever be able to post in a more narrative, less jumbled fashion? Don't hold your breath but do stop back for some other bigger than a baby news soon.